promontory | peninsula, point |
tabor | a small drum covered with calfskin on one end |
vexation | a bother, annoyance |
confederate | joined,united, allied |
odious | hateful, horrible |
allaying | put to rest, |
prate | chatter, prattle, babble |
scurvy | worthless, diesese caused by lack of vitamin c |
ebb | retreat, recead |
enmity | hostility, hate |
supplant | displace, oust |
expeditious | speedy, quick, prompt |
endow | to award, donate, give, bestow |
auspicious | favorable, promising, positive, fortunate |
dolor | mental suffering, anguish |
insolent | impudent, rude, |
blasphemous | profane, sacrilegious, offensive |
wanton | malevolent, malicious, cruel |
diligent | hardworking, attentive |
surfeit | excess, surplus, flood |
sanctimonious | self righteous, smug |
penitent | repentant, contrite, sorry |
precept | principle, rule teaching |
usurp | appropriate, seize, take |
perfidious | disloyal, treacherous |
perdition | hell, purgatory, punishment |
vocab 8 the tempest
July 14, 2019