“Diana’s lips are not more smooth and rubious” | Duke Orsino about Viols; dramatic irony, characterization |
“He’s a fool, he’s a great quarreler…” | Maria about Sir Andrew; characterization |
“Confine! I’ll confine myself no finer than I am.” | Sir Toby; pun, characterization |
“Thou know’st no less but all. I have unclasp’d to thee the book even of my secret soul” | Duke Orsino talking to Viola; characterization, plot development |
“O’ when mine eyes did see Olivia first, methought she purged the air of pestilence!” | Duke Orsino about Olivia; characterization, proves Duke’s affection for Olivia is fancy not true love |
“That instant was I turn’d into a hart, and my desires, like fell and cruel hounds, e’er since pursue me” | Duke Orsino; classical allusion to the myth “Actaeon and Artemis” |
“Where, like Arion on the dolphin’s back, I saw him hold acquaintance with the waves” | Sea Captain about Sebastian; classical allusion to the myth “Arion and the Dolphin”; characterization of the Captain-hopeful |
“I marvel your ladyship takes delight in such a barren rascal” | Malvolio about Feste, talking to Olivia; characterization-proves Malvolio and Feste’s relationship |
“Why, let her except, before excepted” | Sir Toby, talking to Maria, about Olivia; characterization, pun |
“What I am and what I would, are as secret as maidenhood; to your ears divinity, to any other’s profanation” | Viola talking to Olivia; characterization- talking about how who Viola is and what she wants is a secret and Olivia is the only one she can share it with. |
“If music be the food of love, play on” | Duke Orsino; characterization, metaphor |
“O, you are sick of self-love” | Olivia talking about Malvolio; characterization of Malvolio |
“Make me a willow cabin at your gate, and call upon my soul within the house; write loyal cantons of contemned love and sing them loud even in the dead of the night…” | Viola talking to Olivia; symbolism, characterization |
Name three things Viola would do if she was in love wit Olivia | 1. Build a cabin made out of willow trees at her gate and camp out 2. Write sad love songs about unrequited love and sing them out in the middle of the night 3. Shout her name out to the hills so that her name would echo in the air |
“Not yet old enough to be a man, nor young enough for a boy; as a squash is before ’tis a peascod, or a codling when ’tis almost an apple. ‘Tis with him in standing water, between boy and man. He is very well favoured and he speaks very shrewishly; one would think his mother’s milk were scarce out of him” | Malvolio talking to Olivia about Viola; characterization, foreshadow, irony, symbolism |
Identify four character traits that Sir Toby says about Sir Andrew | 1. Tall (can mean height wise OR brave)2. Rich3. Reads a lot 4. Speaks 3-4 languages |
In which fictional country is the play set? | Illyria |
What is the skill that Viola has that appeals to Duke Orsino? | Music and Dancing |
“some hours before you took me from the breach of the sea was my sister drowned” | Sebastian talking about Viola; dramatic irony |
“If you will not murder me for my love, let me be your servant” | Antonio; foreshadow, characterization-shows how Antonio feels about Sebastian |
“She took the ring of me; I’ll none of it” | Viola; characterization of Viola- catches on quickly |
“Poor lady, she were better love a dream” | Viola; metaphor, characterization- shows Viola is a caring person |
“O Time, thou must untangle this, not I! It is too hard a knot for me to untie” | Viola; apostrophe |
“I shall never begin if I hold my peace” | Feste; pun |
“Out of tune Sir! Ye lie. Art any more than a steward? Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?” | Sir Toby; characterization of Malvolio- Sir Toby is asking Malvolio if not one can have any fun just because he is incapable of amusement |
“Go, sir, rub your chain…” | Sir Toby; reminding Malvolio that he is a slave, no better than them |
“Mistress Mary, if you prized my lady’s favour at anything more than contempt, you would not give means for this uncivil rule. She shall know of it, by this hand” | Malvolio |
“I will drop in his way some obscure epistles of love…” | Maria; plot development |
“if ever thou shalt love in the sweet pangs of it remember me; for such as I am all true lovers are, unstaid and skittish in all motions else, save in the constant image of the creature that is beloved” | In the following quote, Duke Orsino is speaking to Viola while they are having a conversation about the way in which a women and a man’s love differ. The 1st lit dev used is char dev. More specifically, this develops Duke Orsino’s superficial nature when it come to love. Here the Duke talks about how women’s love is fickly and inconstant. Meanwhile, Duke Orsino’s love is based on appearances alone. In this way, the quote is significant because it develops the Dukes shallowness. |
“For boy however we do praise ourselves our fancies are more giddy and unfirm, more longing, wavering, sooner lost and worn, than womens are” | Duke Orsino to Viola; characterization of Duke that he is sexist and inconsistent. The Duke just said that men are constant in their love, but now if contradicts himself and says that their fancies are giddy and unfirm. This is also compare and contrast of a women to a men’s love. AND dramatic irony because he calls Viola “boy” |
“For women are as roses, whose fair flower being once display’d, doth fall that very hour” | Duke Orsino to Viola; characterization of Duke that he is sexist. Theme-beauty is fleeting, physical appearance is temporal |
“And so they are. Alas that they are so; to die, even when they to perfection grow” | Viola to Duke; Characterization- Viola is very agreeable and practical. Dramatic Irony- she is actually a woman. |
“now, the melancholy god protect thee; and the tailor make they doublet of changeable taffeta, for thy mind is very opal. I would have men of such constancy put to se, that their business might be everything and their intent everywhere, for that’s it that always makes a good voyage of nothing” | Feste about Duke; symbolism/imagery-compares Duke to changeable taffeta, the melancholy god and opal, all of which are easily changeable. Characterization of Orsino- easily changeable and depressed AND OF Feste- insightful and knowledgeable |
“There is no woman’s sides can bide the beating of so strong a passion as love doth give my heart; no woman’s heart so big, to hold so much” | Duke Orsino; dramatic irony- Duke is saying that no one can love like he can but Viola loves Duke just like he loves Olivia AND characterization- of Duke shallow, sexist |
“She never told her love, but let concealment, like a worm i’ the bud, feed on her damask cheek. She pined in thought, and with a green and yellow melancholy she sat like patience on a monument, smiling at grief” | Viola, symbolism/imagery- unrequited love is like a worm that eats on you from the inside out, theme, dramatic irony-says she is talking about her sister but actually talking about herself |
Name the puns in Act One Scene Three | Accost- greeting vs. assault Hands- handle vs. actual handsConfine- to limit vs. to dress Tongues- languages vs. curling iron Caper- dance vs. condiment |
Why does Sir Toby keep Sir Andrew around? | For drinking money |
Why does Sir Andrew THINK Sir Toby keeps him around | Because Olivia is in love with him |
Viola: character traits | practical, pragmatic, apollonian, logical, caring, believer of fate, pities the tendency of women to fall in love |
Duke: character traits | wallows in self pity, falls in love easily, in love with the idea of love, selfish |
Malvolio: character traits | malevolent, narcissistic, stuck up |
Sir Toby Belch: character traits | stupid, inconsiderate, loves to drink |
Sir Andrew Aguecheek: character traits | gullible, rich, foolish, quarreler, likes to drink |
Olivia: character traits | sensitive, caring, loves her brother, easily annoyed |
“Sneck up!” | Sir Toby; characterization that he gets caught up in the heat of the moment (means “go hang yourself”) |
What advice does Orsino give Viola about marriage? | To marry a younger woman- she will grow to love him. Women are like flowers and once they bloom they are practically dead and ugly. This is dramatic irony and symbolism |
Act 1 Scene 1 | We are introduced to the Duke of Illyria, Orsino. He is fiercely in love with Olivia, the countess of Illyria. BUT he finds out Olivia is mourning the death of her brother-and is not interested. |
Act 1 Scene 2 | Introduced to Viola, who has been in a shipwreck. She believes her twin brother, Sebastian is dead. Viola confides in the sea captain and decides to dress as a eunuch so she can get a job. |
Act 1 Scene 3 | Sir Toby Belch, a relative of Olivia’s, has now moved into her house. His rowdy behavior is disturbing Olivia. Maria warms Toby he may get in trouble if he continues like this. Toby is joined by Sir Andrew, who loves Olivia. Toby encourages his love of Olivia (even though he has no chance) just because he wants Andrews drinking money. |
Act 1 Scene 4 | Viola, who is now a young man called Cesario is working for Orsino. The two have become very clos. Orsino sends Cesario to talk to Olivia and persuade her to love the Duke, meanwhile Viola has fallen in love with the Duke. |
Act 1 Scene 5 | Maria scolds Feste for being absent for 3 days. The relationship between Malvolio and Feste is established (they hate each other). Cesario arrives at Olvia’s house, but is prevented from entering by the drunk Sir Toby. Mal is sent to remove Cesario from the premises-but she is determined to stay. Olivia is curious and allows Cesario to see her. Instead of loving Duke, Olivia falls in love with Cesario. She sends Mal to give Cesario back “his ring”, just because Olivia wants to see “him”. |
Feste: Character Traits | is the fool/jester, but really is knowledgeable and provides insight |
Act 2 Scene 1 | Viola’s brother, Sebastian, who she believes is dead; is actually alive. Seb also believes that Viola is dead. He is accompanied by Antonio. Even though Antonio is wanted in Illyria, he decides to risk it and come with Seb. |
Act 2 Scene 2 | As instructed by Olivia, Malvolio finds Cesario and gives him back “his ring”. Viola quickly realizes what is going on and that Olivia is indeed in love with her. |
Act 2 Scene 3 | Toby, Andrew, and Feste sing a song about the pleasures of young love. Maria warms them they are not pleasing Olivia. Mal comes and gets real yelly. He threatens to tell Olivia that Maria was with them even though she was just doing exactly was Mal was doing. Maria gets mad and plots to send Mal love letters “from Olivia”. |
Act 2 Scene 4 | Feste sings a ballad about unrequited love to Orsino. Duke lectures Viola about the nature of love, saying that love affects men and women very differently. Viola almost tells Duke she loves him. At the end of the scene, Viola is sent to resume the courtship of Olivia on Orsino’s behalf. |
Act 2 Scene 5 | Toby, Andrew, Fabian hide in a bush to watch Mal open Maria’s letters. Mal enters, daydreaming about him and Olivia before he even sees the letters. He reads the letter and decides to obey every instruction the letter gives him (wear yellow stripey stocking and smile a lot) |
Twelfth Night: Act One and Two
July 14, 2019