Twelfth Night – Act 3 Quotes

“Foolery does walk about the orb like a sun; it shines everywhere”
“who you are and what you would are out of my welkin”
“I am almost sick for [a beard] – (aside) though I would not have it grow on my chin.” Viola/Cesario Translation: she wants Orsino’s beard lmao Technique used aside stage direction –> talking to the audience and somehow the characters can’t hear cos that’s drama logic. (don’t write that in the exam >__<)
“Have you not set mine honour at the stake and baited it” bait – reference to bear baiting (?)rhetorical questionhypermetric line – suggests thoughts which cannot be contained by the regular iambic pentameter
“I am not what I am” Viola/Cesario Dramatic irony because the audience knows more, and because knowledge is power, the audience has the most power of all, except we are not characters and cannot influence the play itself. The person that would have the most power/knowledge would be Feste then. Repetition – Shakespeare emphasises and stresses the fact that Cesario is just a disguise but the characters haven’t figured that out. is humourousappearances can be deceiving identity
“I would you were as I would have you be” OliviaStichomythia: interchange of single lines, giving impression of rapid (but controlled!) back-and forth dialogue. RepetitionThis just makes the audience confusedComment on the rapidity and fast moving pace of the play itself – how events happen so quickly and the fall in love so fast – which is quite unrealistic if you think about it because it can take a while to fall in love and take even longer for it to become mutual, but then there are believers of love at first sight. “he hath known you but three days, and already you are no stranger” – shows the how fast Orsino and Viola/Cesario have become.
“Love sought is good, but given unsought is better”
“I have one heart… none shall be mistress of it, save I alone”
“awake you dormouse valour””
“This is a dear manikin to you, Sir Toby” Fabian to Sir Toby about Sir Andrew Aguecheekinsult “manikin” – metaphor : the fact that Sir Toby can control Sir Andrew Aguecheek because he is an idiot and thinks that Olivia likes him, Sir Toby can make him do anything. Sir Toby only is friends with Aguecheek for his money to buy booze.
“I have been dear to him, lad, some two thousand strong, or so” Sir Toby two thousand ducats is a lot of money back in the elizabethan era, and that is the amount of Aguecheek’s money Sir Toby has spent on buying “cakes and ale”. The word “some” suggests that he doesn’t even know how much he’s spent, and is probably much more than two thousand ducats. He’s not a very good friend towards Aguecheek :c – the use of the word “dear” is ironic because he hasn’t been dear to Aguecheek. Poor Aguecheek… Which brings to the idea, if you think about it, wouldn’t that make Sir Toby the antagonist then? He causes all the trouble AND he gets away with it by marrying Maria and Shakespeare does this thing by making the good characters marry – but does he deserve it?
“I have dogged him like his murderer”
ACT 3, SCENE 3 reminds us that Antonio and Sebastian are still alive ~~ haha
“My desire, more sharp than filed steel, did spur me forth” Antonio
“My kind Antonio, I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.” Sebastian
“I am as mad as heif sad and merry madness equal be”
“my lady would not lose him”
“nothing that can be can come between me and the prospect of my hopes”
“Go, hang yourselves all. You are idle, shallow things; I am not of your element.” MalvolioThe word “element” has been repeated a few times in the play. Feste said the word was overused.
“If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction.” FabianDramatic irony – reminds the audience that this is a comedy, and people shouldn’t take this prank seriously and not to think too much of it. (but then there are the people who dedicate their lives to studying and analysing the every detail of Shakespeare and I think that’s just weird)Breaking the 4th wall lol
“for our pleasure and his penance”
“he will find it comes from a clodpole”
“I have said too much unto a heart of stone”
“He is… the most skilful, bloody and fatal opposite that you could have possibly found in any part of Illyria” irony
“I’ll ride your horse as well as I ride you”
“a little thing would make me tell them how much I lack of a man” Viola/Cesario dramatic irony
“Thou hast, Sebastian, done good feature shame”