Whom does Caliban mistake for one of Prospero’s spirits sent to torment him | trinculo |
What was Prospero’s title before his position was usurped and he was forced to flee Italy? | duke of milan |
From which country is Alonso’s ship returning when it is caught in the tempest? | tunis |
How long have Prospero and Miranda been on their island? | 12 years |
What was the name of Caliban’s mother? | sycorax |
Over how many days does the action of The Tempest take place? | 1 |
Which mythical figures appear in the wedding masque Prospero stages for Miranda and Ferdinand? | ceres, iris, juno |
prospero’s brother | antonio |
sebastian’s brother | alonso |
What do we see Miranda and Ferdinand doing in the play’s final scene | playing chess |
What shape does Ariel assume at the magical banquet in Act III, scene iii | harpy |
What do Prospero and Ariel set out as bait for Caliban, Trinculo, and Stephano | “glistening apparel” |
What does Caliban say must be done before Prospero can be killed? | books must be seized |
alonso’s daughter | claribel |
What does Prospero give as his reason for treating Caliban badly? | caliban attempted to rape miranda |
Who helped Prospero and Miranda to flee Italy | gonzalo |
Where does Ariel put the mariners and Boatswain after the tempest? | asleep in ship in the harbor |
where did sycorax imprison ariel | in a cloven pine |
What task are both Caliban and Ferdinand forced to perform | carrying wood |
Who persuades Sebastian to try to kill Alonso | antonio |
What does Prospero intend to “drown” after he has reconciled with his enemies | his book |
What does Caliban say is his “chief profit” from learning language? | he knows how to curse |
Which characters do Stephano and Trinculo most clearly parody? | antonio and sebastian |
What is the final task Prospero orders Ariel to perform | give the fleet calm seas on its return to italy |
We are told that one of the following characters has visited England. Which one? | trinculo |
The traditional description for the genre of The Tempest: | romance |
Says: “You taught me language, and my profit on’t/Is I know how to curse” | caliban |
significant symbols | music, storm, magic |
Says: “The rarer action is/In virtue than in vengeance.” | prospero |
a remorseless brother: | antonio |
essential tools for prospero’s magic: | robe, staff, book |
Said: “O brave new world that has such people in it!” | miranda |
Significant themes in The Tempest: | Divestiture, Reconciliation, and Forgiveness |
Which three characters were involved in an attempt to usurp a rightful ruler? | trinculo, alonso, antonio |
Favors a Utopian society with all things held in common: | gonzalo |
“those are pearls that were his eyes. nothing of him that doth fade. but doth suffer a sea change. into something rich and strange” | ariel- song about drowned father and regenerative cycle. and leads in ferdinand to prospero when singing |
“i the commonwealth i would by contraries execute all things for no kind of traffic. would i admit no name magistrate, letters should not be known; riches, poverty, and use of service, non; contract, succession | gonzalo- talking about what he would do if he ruled island |
“nimble marmoset” | -caliban–small monkey (shows sensitivity to natural beauty) |
abhorred slave, born devil on who nature and nurture cannot stick, thing of darkness (prospero) | caliban |
says “insubstantial pageant faded” | prospero |
says “then to the elements be free, and fare thou well” | ariel |
says “You taught me language, and my profit on’tIs I know how to curse. The red plague rid youFor learning me your language! | caliban- to prospero and miranda |
says “There be some sports are painful, and their labourDelight in them sets off. Some kinds of basenessAre nobly undergone, and most poor mattersPoint to rich ends. This my mean taskWould be as heavy to me as odious, butThe mistress which I serve quickens what’s deadAnd makes my labours pleasures” | ferdinand to miranda about doing work for her is bearable |
says “[I weep] at mine unworthiness, that dare not offerWhat I desire to give, and much less takeWhat I shall die to want. But this is trifling,And all the more it seeks to hide itselfThe bigger bulk it shows. Hence, bashful cunning,And prompt me, plain and holy innocence.I am your wife, if you will marry me.If not, I’ll die your maid. To be your fellowYou may deny me, but I’ll be your servantWhether you will or no” | miranda declares love to ferdinand |
says “be not afeard. The isle is full of noises,Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.Sometimes a thousand twangling instrumentsWill hum about mine ears, and sometime voicesThat, if I then had waked after long sleepWill make me sleep again; and then in dreamingThe clouds methought would open and show richesReady to drop upon me, that when I wakedI cried to dream again” | Caliban’s explanation to Stephano and Trinculo of mysterious music that they hear by magic. |
says “Our revels now are ended. These our actors,As I foretold you, were all spirits, andAre melted into air, into thin air;And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,The solemn temples, the great globe itself,Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve;And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuffAs dreams are made on, and our little lifeIs rounded with a sleep” | The sadness in the tone of the speech seems to be related to Prospero’s surprising forgetfulness at this crucial moment in the play: he is so swept up in his own visions, in the power of his own magic, that for a moment he forgets the business of real life. |
shakespeare’s farewell | -S identifies with prospero, ends career as he ends career as magician.-and distillation of many elements of previous works. |
motifs: | magic, storm, music, disguise, parent child, brother conflicts |
arc of play | anger that prosper feels and his attempt to seek revenge on thosse those who attempted to kill him and wronged him |
themes: | nature vs. nurture, pastoral world of island vs. urban world of naples, chastity, divestiture, |
sebastian and antonio view gonzalo as: | soft hearted fool, naive |
prospero | in pursuit of knowledge– magical knowledge makes him very powerful. and chief power learned from books. -rules as artist king over imaginary world and promotes renewed faith in goodness-creates illusion of loss to test enemies and makes them reveal true selves-responsibilites cause him to behave magisterially and be resented by spirits of isle |
miranda | -compassionate, generous, loyal, passive heroine, speaks up about sexuality. nonjudgmental and naive perceptions of others |
ariel | -spirit helper to prospero-creature of nature, not part of humanity-mischievous and ubiquitous -travels at speed of light and changes shapes at will-controls elements to create illusion-longs to be free |
caliban | -servant to prospero-dark and earthy slave-son of dead sycorax and believes island rightfully belongs to him and prospero stole it-coarse and brutal speech and behavior-referred to as monster-taught lang and manners from prospero-connects w/ stephano and trinculo-born evil and part of humanity -books are enemy and wants to destroy in attempt at rebellion |
ferdinand | son and heir of alonso-represents link bw 2 worlds. -young, innocent and hopeful |
alonso | -king of naples/sicily, father of ferdinant, brother to sebastian-helped antonio unseat prospero-both sides of evil and good |
antonio | prospero’s brother and usurping duke of milan-power hungry and foolish |
sebastian | alonso’s bro-aggressive and coward-attempts to kill alonso-malicious and corrup but clear headed intentions-thinks people essentially corrupt |
gonzalo | -old, honest lord-altruistic, charitable, idealistic view of world-wants socialists heaven for everyone to share equally-believes in goodness of human nature |
trinculo | -drunk and stupid-jester-foil to stephano |
stephano | -drunken butler, foil to trinculo |
boatswain | -only in 1st and last scene-good natured-demands pratical help in shipwreck. awaken from long sleep at end |
shakespeare’s farewell- has many elements | -romantic comedy: magic, supernatural, love, reconcilliation-history problem-tragedy-revenge vs forgiveness-redemption |
multiple plots: 3 | -antonio gonzalo and sebastion and alonso: killing of alonso-calivan, stephano and trinculo: join forces to kill prospero-ferdinand and miranda: marriage and unity |
symbols | staff, robe/clothes, book |
motifs | -magic, storm, music, disguise, parent/child, brother conflicts |
themes | divestiture, reconilliaton, forgiveness, nature vs nurture, pastoral vs urban, chastity, anti colonial, imagination vs reason, illusion vs reality, actor vs audience, prospero vs shakespeare |
the tempest
July 14, 2019