What reason does Antonio give for being sad in the opening scene of the play? | he gives no reason |
The caskets that Portia’s suitors must pick from are made of what? | gold, silver, and lead |
Why does the prince of Morocco fear that Portia will dislike him? | his dark skin complection |
What act does Jessica believe will solve the misery of life with Shylock? | marrying Lorenzo |
According to Lorenzo’s plan, how will Jessica escape from her father’s house? | she disguises herself as Lorenzo’s torch bearer |
Who loses the opportunity to marry Portia by choosing the silver casket? | Prince of Arragon |
According to Tubal’s report, for what did Jessica trade Shylock’s most precious ring? | a monkey |
What course of action does Portia suggest when she learns that Shylock wishes to collect his pound of flesh? | that the bond be paid many times over |
In the court, how does Antonio react to Shylock’s insistence on collecting his pound of flesh? | he will meet Shylock’s hatred with patience |
What does Shylock do while they are waiting for the learned doctor of the law to arrive; who will decide the fate of Antonio? | He takes out a knife and begins to sharpen it on the soles of his leather shoes |
Who enters the court disguised as a young law clerk named Balthasar? | Portia |
What attribute of God does Balthasar urge Shylock to imitate? | mercy |
What loophole in Shylock’s bond allows Balthasar to stop him from taking a pound of Antonio’s flesh? | Shylock is entitled to flesh, not blood |
How is Shylock punished for seeking to take Antonio’s life? | he must convert to Christianity and give his possessions to Lorenzo and Jessica in his will |
What words does Shylock utter after accepting the court’s sentence? | “I am not well” |
What does Bassanio offer the young clerk Balthasar, who saved Antonio? | 3,000 ducats (She actually takes Bassanio’s ring) |
What news does Antonio receive at the play’s end? | some of his ships have arrived safely in port |
The major conflict of the play is: | Antonio defaults on a loan he borrowed from Shylock, wherein he promises to sacrifice a pound of flesh |
Which of the following is considered the event of rising action? | Antonio’s ships (the only means by which he can pay off his debt to Shylock) are reported lost at sea |
Which of the following would be considered the setting of the play? | Venice and Belmont |
The climax of the play occurs when… | Portia, disguised as a man of law, intervenes on Antonio’s behalf |
Which of the following is considered the event of falling action? | Shylock is ordered to convert to Christianity and entitle his possessions to Lorenzo and Jessica in his will |
What are the three “love” relationships in the play? | Lorenzo and Jessica, Bassanio and Portia, Nerissa and Gratiano |
The major symbolism of the play is shown in the: | 3 caskets |
In what act does Shakespeare foreshadow Antonio’s grim future by suggesting both his indebtedness to a creditor and the loss of his ships? | Act 1 |
Essay: Explain the meaning of the inscriptions on the three caskets and how this plan shows the wisdom of Portia’s father to guide her to the best husband, and include a Bible verse that supports each casket choise | Gold:”Who chooses me shall gain what many men desire”Galatians 5:16 -So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.Silver:”Who chooses me shall get as much as he deserves”Ephesians 2:8-9 -For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.Lead:” Who chooses me must give and gamble all he has”Ephesians 5:25 -Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her |
The Merchant of Venice ch. 1-6
July 13, 2019