‘Two households, both alike in dignity.’ | Both families are of the same social standing. |
‘Deny thy father and refuse thy name.’ | Juliet struggles with the conflict between her love for Romeo and love for her family. |
‘Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee doth much excuse the appertaining rage.’ | Romeo will not fight with Tybalt once he has married Juliet. He cannot tell Tybalt the ‘reason’ though! |
‘Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?’ | Once they are married, Juliet sides with Romeo after he has killed Tybalt, her cousin. |
‘Hang thee, young baggage, disobedient wretch!’ | Capulet is furious with Juliet when she disobeys his orders to marry Paris. |
‘We have a curse in having her.’ | Capulet shows his fury by saying that he and his wife have been cursed having Juliet as a daughter. |
‘Henceforward I am ever ruled by you.’ | Juliet follows the Friar’s instructions and pretends to obey her father. |
‘Good Capulet, which name I tender as dearly as my own.’ | Romeo says that he loves the Capulet name as much as his own following the marriage. |
‘Too soon marred are those so early made.’ | Initially, Capulet refuses to marry Juliet to Paris as he feels she is too young. |
Romeo and Juliet – Family Quotes
August 17, 2019