Othello Exam Questions

Othello’s belief that others are honest, and that he can discern if someone is not truthful, could be as described as his _________________. Tragic Flaw
At the end of Act I, Iago delivers a speech that is heard only by the audience because no other actors are on stage. This kind of speech reveals the character’s inner thoughts, emotions, and other information that the audience needs to know. It is known as _______________ Soliloquy
The audience knows that Iago is dishonest, but other characters do not. Consequently, when Othello refers to him as “honest Iago” Shakespeare employs the literary device known as _______________ Dramatic Irony
Shakespeare uses this device when Iago says, “I am not what I am,” he creates a _______________ that is, a statement that seems to be impossible yet expresses a truth at the same time. Paradox
When Montano says of the storm at sea that, “Methinks the wind hath spoke aloud at land,” he employs the literary device known as _________________ Personification
When Iago says to Roderigo that, “Our bodies are our gardens, to the wills are our gardeners,” What two things does he compare and literary device does this exemplify? Compares the bodies to the gardens and the wills to the gardeners. The literary device is a metaphor.
At the end of Act I, Iago says of Othello that, “The Moor is of a free and open nature/That thinks men honest that but seem to be so/And will bas tenderly be led by ‘th nose/As asses are.” What literary device is represented by the italicized words? Simile
In what city does the play begin? Venice
Where does Act II occur? Cyprus
Which character courted Desdemona unsuccessfully before the start of the play? Roderigo
Iago is furious with Othello for two reason. Which is one is a fact and which is an unproved suspicion on his part? Othello chooses Cassio over Iago as a lieutenant. Cassio has little experience in the battlefield. While Iago has a lot of experience. The unproved suspicion is Othello slept with Emilia.
`Name of Iago’s wife. Emilia
What situation has arisen that has caused Duke and his counselors already to ask for Othello’s at their conference in the middle of the night before Desdemona’s father makes his appeal to the Duke? The Duke has received notice that Turkish ships are going to Cyprus. The Duke is concerned and asks Othello to go to Cyprus to defend the Turks.
“O, thou foul thief, where hast thou stowed my daughter? Damned as thou art, thou hast enchanted her!” Identify the speaker and to whom is this speech addressed to? Brabantio and speech addressed to Othello.
Why does the speaker belief his daughter has been subject to an enchantment? She eloped and married a black man.
“She loved me for the dangers I had passed, And I loved her that she did pity them. This only is the witchcraft I have used.” Identify the speaker, to whom is this speech addressed to, and who is the “she” described in the speech? The speaker is Othello. Othello tells the Duke he and Desdemona love each other deeply. The “she” is known as Desedemona.
Identify the speaker of the following quotation, “I think this tale would win my daughter, too.” The Duke of Venice
Iago not only talks Roderigo out of drowning himself at the end of Act I but also talks him into doing two other things What are they? a) Coming to Cyprus with himb) Money-bring his purse.
At the end of Act II, Iago explains to the audience his plant to stir up more mischief. What is the next plan in his plan? What is Iago’s overall goal? The next step is to plan Othello to think Desedmona is unfaithful. Iago’s overall goal is to ruin the marriage of Desdemona and Othello.
In Act III, scene I, Caso says of Iago that “I never knew/a Florentine more kind and honest.” What literary device does Shakespeare employ in this instance? Dramatic Irony
When Othello says of Desdemona that, “I think my wife to be honest, and think she is not,” what literary device does that statement exemplify? Paradox
When Othello says to Iago that he has “set him on the rack,” Othello employs a metaphor. a) What is a rack? b) What does Othello communicate about his feelings to the audience through this use of figurative language? c) What two things does Iago compare? d) What does this comparison suggest specifically about the nature of jealousy? a) A rack is a instrument of torture. b) Othello communicates to the audience about his suspicion, the knowledge of Desdemona cheating and is painful like physical torture. c) Iago compares jealously and the green-eyed monster. d) Jealousy can devour the person like a monster devouring its prey.
Why and where does the handkerchief first appear? First appears when Desdemona wraps her handkerchief on Othello because he has headache.
What has Iago ask of his wife in the past regarding the handkerchief? Iago had his wife take Desdemona’s handkerchief.
After Desdemona has accidentally lost the handkerchief, who finds it? Who receives it next and how does that person receive it? Emilia. Iago receives it next and he gets the handkerchief through Emilia.
Where is the handkerchief subsequently placed, and by whom? When Iago gets the handkerchief, he places the handkerchief in Cassio’s lodging to make it look like Desdemona went to Cassio’s house.
How does Bianca respond to the handkerchief when it is shown to her? Bianca thinks the handkerchief Cassio had was from another women. She complains Cassio is not loyal to her anymore.
How did Othello first receive the handkerchief? Othello first receives the handkerchief from his mother.
What special magical property does Othello claim the handkerchief possesses? Othello explains the handkerchief was given by his mother. The mother got it from a witch who told Othello’s mother if she keep the handkerchief, Othello’s father would stay loyal to her. On her deathbed, Othello’s mother told Othello to give the handkerchief the woman he is going to be married to.
When Iago asks Othello if Cassio came with him when he wooed Desdemona, what does Iago insatiate? Iago insinuates Cassio and Desdemona could have known each other before and they could have fallen in love.
Describe in detail the two things Iago claims to have observed that proved Desdemona has had a relationship with Cassio. a) When Iago and Cassio were sleeping together he claims Cassio was talking about his and Desdemona’s love for each other. b) Iago saw Cassio use the handkerchief to wipe his mouth.
“Within these three days let me hear thee say That Cassio’s not alive.” Identify speaker and the person to whom the quotation is addressed. Speaker: OthelloPerson to whom quotation is addressed: Iago
“Good morrow, good lieutenant. I am sorry For your displeasure, but all will sure be well. The General and his wife are talking of it, And she speaks for you stoutly.” Identify speaker and the person to whom the quotation is addressed. Speaker: Emilia Person to whom quotation is addressed: Cassio
“Ha, I like not that… Cassio my lord? No, sure I cannot think it That he would steal away so guilty like, Seeing our company.” Identify the speaker and the person to whom the quotation is addressed. Speaker: IagoPerson to whom quotation is addressed: Othello
Who is Lodovico? Desdemona’s cousin, comes from Venice. Is a representative of the Duke of Venice.
What does Lodovico bring with him? Ludovico brings a letter from the Duke saying Othello return to Venice. Cassio will take over Othello’s position and stay in Cyprus.
What does Lodovico witness that he says, “would not be believed in Venice?” Lodovico witness Othello slapping Desdemona. Lodovico can’t believe Othello would do such as thing to Desdemona. When Othello and Desdemona were in Venice, they loved each other very much.
What complaint does Roderigo make to Iago about his jewels? Desdemona is not showing any affection towards Roderigo.
What does Roderigo threaten to do? Roderigo threatens to go to Desdemona to get the jewels back.
Where did Desdemona learn the willow song? Desdemona learned this son from her mother’s maid, who was deeply in love and sang this son. The maid later on dies.
What does the sining of the willow song forbade?
“Do it not with position. Strangle her in her bed.” Identify speaker and person to whom quotation is addressed. Speaker: IagoPerson to whom quotation is addressed: Othello
“I durst, my lord, ro water she is honest, Lay down my soul at stake. If you think other, Remove your thought… For if she be not honest, chaste, and true, There’s no many happy. Identify speaker and the person to whom quotation is addressed. Speaker: EmiliaPerson to whom quotation is addressed: Othello
… Oh thou weed Who are so lovely fair, and smell’st so sweet That the senses arch at thee, would thou hadst (ne’er) been born. Identify speaker and the person to whom quotation is addressed. Speaker: OthelloPerson to whom quotation is addressed: Desdemona.
“I will be hanged if some eternal villain, Some busy and it insinuating rogue, Some cogging, cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devised this slander. Identify the speaker and the person to whom quotation is addressed. Speaker: EmiliaPerson to whom quotation is addressed: Iago and Desdemona.