Achilles’ heel | (noun) weak point |
Stentorian | (adjective) very loud |
Mnemonic | (adjective) assisting memory |
Fathom | (verb) understand, figure out, pentrate the meaning of |
Serendipity | (noun) ability to make lucky discoveries by chance or accident |
Desultory | (Adjective) random, unmethodical, aimless |
Pariah | (noun) social outcast |
Tawdry | (adjective) showy and cheap (tacky or tasteless) |
Pecuniary | (adjective) relating to money |
Impecunious | (adjective) having little or no money; poor |
Spartan | (adjective) severe, rigorous, disciplined |
Gadfly | (noun) person who continually annoys others |
Homage | (noun) action showing respect and honor |
Spurn | (verb) scornfully refuse |
Pedigree | (noun) ancestry or record of ancestry; line of decesnt |
Pittance | (noun) small amount or portion, espceially of money |
Preposterous | (adjective) ridiculous, obviously absurd, contrary to reason |
Macabre | (noun/adjective) gruesome, horrible, causing fear, suggesting the horror of death |
Farce | (noun) ridiculous, light comedy; slapstick comedy; absurd thing; mockery |
Bombast | (noun) speech or writing that sounds grand or important but has little meaning |
Much Ado About Nothing Vocab (Aromando)
July 29, 2019