Much Ado about nothing Quiz

who is this conversation between “But I hope you have no intent to turn husband, have you?””I would scarce trust myself, though I had sworn the contrary, if Hero would be my wife.’
why do Beatrice and Benedick act like they hate each other. Because they have loved before and one betrayed the other.
Who was the one perceived as hero in the window Margret
horns are a symbol for what marriage
why are Borachio and Conrade arrested for fooling Claudio into thinking Hero was disloyal
What plan does the Friar come up with to get Claudio and Hero back together? To tell everyone Hero is dead.
who said “God give me joy to wear it! for my heart is exceeding heavy.”? Hero
Who is Beatrice talking to when saying “You always end with a jades trick. I know you of old.”? Benedick
what is the tool of villains to spread chaos and unhappiness? Deception
None of the characters explicitly seek what? Love
Who was the movie directed by Kenneth Branagh
What was the year month and day the movie was released May 4 1993
How many awards did the movie win. Two
How many awards did the movie get nominated for? Eight
How much did the movie make worldwide? $36 million