What is the setting of scene one? | Thesus palace in athens |
Who are Theseus and Hippolyta? | Duke of Athens and Queen of the Amazons |
What are Theseus and Hippolyta discussing as the play opens? | Their wedding |
How is Hippolyta’s reasoning concerning how quickly the next four days will pass different from that of theseus? | Hippolyta thinks its going to go by quickly and Theseus thinks its going to go by slow |
Why has Egeus brought his daughter and her two suitors to theseus? what does Egeus expect him to do? | He wants her to marry demetrius |
What was the proper role for women/daughters in Athenian society according to Egeus and Theseus? | Following orders |
What is Theseus’s ruing concerning Hermia? 3 options | Marry Demetrius, Die, become a NUN |
What does Egeus say to Lysander has Done | Cast a spell on her |
Who claims the ” certain right” to hermia’s hand? | Demetrius |
What do Lysander and Hermia plan to do about this seemingly impossible situation? | run away to elope |
Describe how Helena feels about Hermia | she is jealous |
What view of love does Helena present in her soliloquy at the end of scene one? | Love can make a worthless person beautiful and when you are in love you don’t see with your eyes but with your mind |
Which craftsman is in charge at first? | Peter Quincy |
Who takes over? | Bottom |
Why does nick bottom want to play all the parts? | He wants a one man show |
In what way is act one, scene two funny? why do you suppose Shakespeare included this scene? | Bottom tries to takeover and he is turned into a Donkey |
Where are the actors to meet the following night? Who else is meeting in these same woods at the same time? | the woods, Fairies |
When Lysander tells Hermia, “The course of true love never did run smooth” he is uttering a central theme of the play. | Oberon and Titania’s relationship(jealousy)Demetrius and Lysander fight over who should get to marry Hermia |
What is the setting of act two scene one? | Woods |
What does the reader find out about the current relationship between oberon, King of the fairies, and Titania, Queen of the fairies, from Robin Goodfellow and the First fairy | Oberon and Titania have been fussing about the Changeling boy |
What is Robin GoodFellow’s other name? | Puck |
What is Robin Goodfellow Known for? | Pulling Pranks |
Which Characters do oberon and Titania accuse each other of doting on (playing favorites) | Theseus & Hippolyta |
Describe the effects on nature of Oberon and Titania’s Quarrel | Causes bad weather |
Describe in detail oberon’s plan to torment Titania | Make her fall in love with the first thing she sees |
What does Oberon want Robin Goodfellow to do? | Go get a Flower |
What is love-in-idleness and why is it Important? | A pansies that was shot b cupid by accident |
Whom does Oberon order Robin Goodfellow to affect with the juice? | Athenian (Demetrius) |
What mistake does Robin Goodfellow make? | He uses it on lysander |
Why does Robin Good fellow make his mistake? | He doesn’t know who Demetrius is |
How does Helena react to Demetrius’s Verbal abuse? | She is more attracted to him |
What is her response to his threats of physical abuse? | She doesn’t care how she is treated she just wants to be in his presence |
Compare the quarrel between Demetrius and Helena to that between Lysander and Hermia ? | Demetrius& Helena- Get away from me I hate youLysander& Hermia- no get away from me , you love me too much |
Describe Hermia’s strange dream at the end of scene 2? | She dreamed a snake was eating her heart while Lysander watched |
How is Hermia’s dream connected to the reality she wakes up to? | Lysander was gone |
What are the major Conflicts? | JealousyLove Square |
What are the specific problems the craftsmen are trying to solve? What solutions do they propose ? | They have no wall- one of the characters becomes the wallthey have no moonlight- they use an lantern |
Do you think the Craftsmen have good imagination? why or why ? | No because there props won’t thought out properly |
How does Bottom behave at the beginning of Act Three scene one? | Like an ass |
What does Robin Goodfellow do to Bottom? | Turns him into a donkey |
How do the craftsman react to the change in Bottom? | They freak out and run away |
How do you think Shakespeare wanted his audience to react to Bottom’s transformation? | He wanted them to laugh |
How does Bottom react to Titania’s affections? | he is surprised |
When Oberon first hears the news that Titania is in love with Bottom, how does he react? | He is happy & now he feels sorry |
How does Oberon react When he finds out that Robin Goodfellow has affected Lysander with ” love-in-idleness” instead of Demetrius? | He is upset |
Map out the changes in the lovers affections from the beginning of the play to the end of act three, indicating when Oberon and Robin Good fellow are involved | Hermia- Demetrius- Helena-Lysander-Hermia-Demetrius-Hermia(Hermia always loves Demetrius & Helena always loves Lysander) |
What does hermia accuse Demetrius of doing? | killing Lysander |
Why is the truth almost worse than what she first imagines? | He is alive but he doesn’t love her anymore |
What does Helena think is going on in scene two? | playing a joke on her |
How does Oberon plan to set everything straight , what does Robin Goodfellow do to help? | Undo the spell and get everyone lost in the woods and make them tired |
How does Shakespeare show the audience the process of producing a play throughout MSND? consider what the crafts men do as they prepare for pyramus and thisbe. | assign partspracticepropsWorry about offending the audience |
How is Titania showing her love for Bottom at the beginning of scene one? | Giving him his wants and needs |
How does Oberon feel when he sees Titania? | feels bad |
What are Theseus and Hippolyta doing in the woods? | they are hunting |
What time is it when Theseus and Hippolyta enter the woods? | Early morning |
Who else is with Theseus and Hippolyta? | egeus |
How do the lovers feel about the past night’s events | They think it was a Dream |
How does Egeus react to the discovery of the lovers? | He is angry |
How does Theseus react to the discovery of the lovers? | Happy and Surprised |
Why do you think Theseus is “softer” | he is getting married |
What part of human nature does Bottom Represent? | he is betraying arrogrance |
What do the other craftsmen think of bottoms talent? | he is the best actor ever |
How does Bottom behave When he returns to Quince’s house? | He is excited |
Has Bottom changed after his night in the woods? | a little bit because he puts the play first before telling what happened in the woods |
What instructions does Bottom give the other actors? | Don’t eat onions and Garlic, and wear new shoe laces |
Have the weddings occurred yet? | yes |
What is the role of the fairies | They are backbone, create & solve the conflicts |
How exactly are lunatics, lovers, and poets alike? | Great imaginations |
What does Hippolyta say has happened to the lovers? | Something Strange |
What time is it at the beginning of the act? | 9p.m |
What is Theseus waiting for? | bedtime |
How is the play Pyramus and Thisbe described for him? | Tedious & briefMerry& Tragic |
How are those” that play it” described? | Skilled laborers & they don’t have to use their brains because they are not well educated |
Why does Theseus chooses Pyramus & thisbe? | He wants to see the common people and reward them for their hard work |
How does Shakespeare use the comments from the audience to enhance the humor of the play that they are watching? | it makes the actors have different emotions * when bottom cam out of charcter to answer the audience question |
Is pyramus and Thisbe comedy or tragedy? | Comedy- lack of skill and tragedy because somebody dies |
Whar does Theseus say would make the play ” a fine Tragedy”? | If the person who wrote it played Pyramus and hung himself with thisbe Garter |
What time is it when the play is over | Midnight |
Why is the time significant | Fairy time |
Summarize Oberons blessing at the end of the play | Giving them that happily ever after |
Why do you think the fairies, and specifically robin Good fellow, close the play? | backbone of the play |
Summarize Robin Good fellow’s last lines | If you liked the play clapIf you didn’t like it pretend it was all a dream |
Whom is robin Good fellow addressing? | Audience |
Discuss the dramatic irony in the play | -The fairies make the characters fall in love with the wrong peopleWhen bottom gets turned into an ass |
Midsummer Nights Dream
August 16, 2019