ACT I: What “two truths are told?” | Macbeth is told he is Thane of Cawdor and Glamis |
ACT I: To what does “imperial theme” refer? | Refers to Macbeth becoming king |
Define soliciting as it is used in this text. | requesting/asking |
What argument does Macbeth make to suggest the prophecies are not evil? | He says one of the prophecies will bring him success, and he already knows the 2 prophecies came/are ture |
What is the “horrid image” that “doth unfix Macbeth’s hair?” | The horrid image Macbeth sees is referring to Duncan and possibly killing him. It’s an emotional response to killing Duncan. -> disruption, out of the norm |
To what do the words “against the use of nature” refer? | It refers to how Macbeth is disturbed by even thinking of murdering Duncan. Murdering Duncan can bring disorder to all and it is against his nature/character |
According to Macbeth, fear of what is real is less frightening than…. | present fears are less than horrible imaginings (thoughts related to Duncan) |
Define surmise. | Surmise means a thought or idea based on scanty evidence: conjecture |
Explain the line, “nothing is but what is not.” | Still doubting himself and isn’t sure if he is going to go forward with the plan of being king. He still has the idea of consequence and hasn’t made a decision yet. (talking about existing, nothing is real, exists, except what doesn’t exist) |
ACT II: What is the significance of the dagger in Scene I? | Shakespeare presents a real dagger and a “dagger” in front of Macbeth. It’s a choice between killing him or not. The dagger is significant because it shows that he is going to kill Duncan. It shows temptation, questioning, and doubting. |
ACT II: Describe Lady Macbeth’s composure in scene 2. | Lady Macbeth’s composure is calm, secure, bold, nonchalant |
ACT II: Contrast Lady Macbeth and Macbeth in scene 2. | Macbeth is feeling unsettled and guilty, while Lady M. is calm and saying to just wash the blood off. Macbeth is hearing voices, saying he won’t sleep. Lady Macbeth doesn’t consider dead people real or even reconsider their existence. Macbeth says an ocean won’t wash the blood while Lady M. a little bit of water will do |
ACT II: What is the effect of Macbeth’s entrance after the murder? | Macbeth is overcome by guilt and this will create anxiety to the audience. After the murder and the others come, Macbeth has a false face and it shows how immoral Macbeth is |
ACT II: What is the irony of Lady Macbeth’s comfort? | At the beginning, Lady Macbeth is calm but later on, the guilt eats away at her. |
ACT II: How is the attention focused on Macduff? | He is emotional, strong, he has a purpose which is to the talk to the king, calls everyone and takes charge. Macduff cannot form words when he finds Duncan dead, can’t say what he saw and this shows the loyalty to Duncan and Scotland |
ACT II: Why does Lady Macbeth faint? | To act surprised or shocked and make it seem like she’s not related to the murder |
ACT II: Explain the unnatural omens during the night. | Something wrong is taking place and it increases the suspension. No stars, no light, Fleance didn’t hear the clock ring at 12, Duncan’s horses, once calm start eating away at each other, owl attacked falcon and won, by clock it’s day, but outside its as if it’s night time |
ACT II: Why does Macbeth comment that he wishes himself dead? | Macbeth comments that he wishes he was dead because now that Duncan is dead, his life has become useless/meaningless. (Macbeth feeling guilty) |
ACT II: How do Duncan’s sons react when they learn of the murder? | They leave and that causes suspicion. They are feeling threatened. They can’t trust anyone cause anyone can lie to them and tell them they are sorry |
ACT II: What is the significance of Banquo’s talk with Fleance in Scene 1? | Everything is going wrong, the opposite and the importance of Banquo talking to Fleance is because Banquo is bothered and gives his son his sword, showing Banquo’s concern and that he’s a good father. |
ACT II: How is “fair is foul and foul is fair” echoed in Act II? | “Foul is fair and fair is foul” means appearances can be deceiving. This is echoed in Act II because Duncan thought Macbeth was loyal but in the end Macbeth betrays Duncan. |
ACT II: Explain Banquo’s comment, likes 26-28….”So I lose none…” | This passage is about Banquo’s loyalty to Duncan and Scotland. Banquo will talk to Macbeth as long his loyalty is not “shaken” |
ACT II: Explain the Porter’s opening lines as he walks to the gate? What is ironic about his words? | -comic relief, but it’s not funny -critical look on people (their evil nature, like the farmer was greedy and wanted more money), and opening the gates of Hell (Macbeth creating hell in his home and opening that gate is letting people into Hell) |
ACT II: Why do Malcolm and Danalbain free? Where does each go? | Malcolm goes to England and Donalbain goes to Ireland. In Shakespeare’s time, there is tension between Scotland and England, so Malcolm going to England puts them in a good light. |
ACT II: What will happen in Scone? | Macbeth is going to he crowned |
ACT II: Where is Macduff going? Why is it significant he isn’t going to Scone? | Fife; Him not going is showing he’s not supportive of Macbeth becoming king and that a high person like him will be noticeable |
ACT II: Where does Macbeth live? Macduff? | Macbeth : InvernessMacduff: Fife |
Act IV begins with Macbeth returning to the witches to learn when he can of his future. Three apparitions appear to Macbeth. Identify each apparition, what it says, and what Macbeth say in response to each. | 1.2. 3. |
When Macbeth insists on knowing what the future holds for Banquo’s children, what pnatomime of apparitions do the witches show him? | … |
After seeing these visions and receiving news that Macduff has fled to England, what resolution does Macbeth make? | … |
In Scene II, Ross, trying to explain to Lady Macduff why her husband has fled to England, describes what Scotland is like under Macbeth’s rule.a) What does Ross say about Macduff? b) What does he say about Scotland? | … |
What happens to Lady Macduff and her children after Ross leaves? | …. |
In Scene III, Macduff has come to England to pledge his support to Malcolm. Malcolm, not yet ready to trust Macduff, slanders himself in order to test Macduff’s loyalty. When Macduff makes it clear that his first loyalty is to Scotland, Malcolm knows he can trust him. a) What is Malcolm’s initial reason not to trust Macduff? b) Identify at least three slanders made by Malcolm about himself. c) What plans does Malcolm then reveal to Macduff? | a)b)c) |
What news does Ross bring? | … |
What action will the three men take? | … |
Explain Lady Macbeth’s words in the first scene. | … |
Explain the concerns of the Gentlewoman. | … |
Summarize the doctor’s response to what he sees and hears. | … |
Explain Macbeth’s mood in scene 3. | … |
What purpose is served by scenes 2 and 4. | … |
What is Macbeth’s reaction to his wife’s death? | … |
What is Macbeth’s reaction to the news that Burbank Woods moves toward him? | … |
How does Macbeth face death? | … |
Who dies, who kills who, and who’s got Macbeth’s head? | … |
Who will be crowned at Scone? | … |
QUOTE THEM: The title of a Ray Bradbury novel. | … |
QUOTE THEM: A familiar expression for one who seems to live an untouchable life. | … |
QUOTE THEM: What has Macbeth almost forgotten? | … |
Macbeth Questions
August 9, 2019