Macbeth questions

How many acts are there in a Shakespearean play? 5 acts
When does the climax occur in a Shakespearean play? Act 3
What are 2 purposes of the opening scene in a Shakespearean play? 1) to quiet the audience 2) to set the mood
what is the setting of Macbeth? 11th century Scotland
what is the historical source of the play? Hollinshed’s Chronicles
what is a familiar? any animal that is associated with the witches
what is a paradox? Give example. a statement that says 2 opposite thingsEx: Fair is foul, and foul is fair
Identify: Macdonwald, Thane of Cawdor, Golgotha, Bellona Macdonwald- rebel against Duncan (king) Killed by MacbethThane of Cawdor- rebel against Duncan, captured in fight, title given to MacbethGolgotha- Site of Christs crucifixionBellona- Goddess of war
what country and king were aiding the Scottish rebels? Norway, King Sweno
what is the witches’ prophecy to Macbeth? 1) he will be Thane of Glamis, 2) Thane of Cawdor, 3) and King..
what is the witches’ prophecy to Banquo? 1) He will be lesser in some ways and then more then Macbeth2) not so happy, but get much happier3) will not be king, but his sons will…
who tells Duncan about Macbeths military achievements? The Captain
what is an aside? …, part of an actor’s lines supposedly not heard by others on the stage and intended only for the audience
what is a soliloquy? …, When one character speaks alone on stage, revealing his or her thoughts.
what is an anachronism? …, something that is out of place or out of time
who tells Macbeth that he has been named the thane of Cawdor? Ross
who is Sinel? Macbeths Dad…
who are Duncan’s 2 sons? Malcolm & Donalbain…
what is significant about the title, Prince of Cumberland? the title for the heir of the kingdom …
Identify: Forres, Inverness Forres- Scottish king’s castleInverness- Macbeths castle
what 3 reasons does Macbeth give for not wanting to kill Duncan? 1) he was his king 2) he was his cousin 3) he was a guest has his house…
who kills plans the murder of Duncan? Lady Macbeth…
how does Macbeth kill Duncan? with the guards daggers…
why didn’t lady Macbeth kill Duncan? because he looked to much like her father…
what happens prior to and during the murder of Duncan that unnerves Macbeth? the voices were talking…
what mistake did Macbeth make after killing Duncan? by taking the dagger …
who was knocking at the gate? Macduff…
who discovers Duncan’s body? Macduff…
what does lady Macbeth do after viewing Duncan’s body and hearing that Macbeth had killed the guards? she Faints…
who is considered responsible for Duncan’s murder and who do people think did it? the sons were considered responsible and people actually thought it was the guards…
where do Malcolm and Donalbain go? Malcolm went to England and Donalbain went to Ireland…
who is named king of Scotland? Macbeth…
Identify: Scone, Colmekill, Fife Scone- Place where Scotland’s kings were crownedColmekill- ancient burial site for royaltyFife- Macduffs castle
Who refuses to attend Macbeth’s coronation? Macduff
who suspects Macbeth of evil deeds? Banquo…
why are the noblemen of Scotland gathered at macbeths castle he is having a banquet in Banquo’s honor…
what three questions does Macbeth ask Banquo at the beginning of Act 3 1) are you going riding 2)How long will you be? 3) is Fleance going with you?
who murders Banquo the 3 murderers …
is Lady Macbeth aware of the plans to kill Banquo No…
what event is the climax of the play Fleance escapes…
who is the third murderer we do not know, but probably macbeth…
what happens to macbeth at the banquet he see’s the ghost of macbeth…
what excuses does Lady Macbeth for her husband’s behavior he’s had these fits since birth…
what are macbeths plans after the banquet he is going to go see the witches…
where has Macduff gone and why he left to England to find help and get an army against macbeth
what are the apparitions what do the represent and what do they tell Macbeth
how has macbeths behavior towards the witches changed he thinks he can boss them around…
what decision does Macbeth make after learning of Macduff’s flight from Scotland to kill his family and everyone in macduffs castle…
what are the two comic relief scenes in the play the Porter freaking out, and the mother and son scene at macduff’s castle…
what is the purpose of a comic relief seen in a Shakespearean tragedy to lighten the mood…
why does Malcolm tell lies about himself to macduff because he does not trust macbeth…
who is the English King aiding Malcolm and Macduff King Edward…
who is the English general whose army joins with Malcolm and Macduff Siward…
who brings McDuff the news of his family’s murder Ross…
where are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth living now in Dunsinane …
what has happened to Lady Macbeth she is sleep walking and has a complete mental breakdown…
Who is Seyton Macbeths bodyguard/ servant…
who gives in order to cut a branch from Birnam wood to carry as they marked up the hill to Dunsinane Malcolm…
how does Lady Macbeth die she kills herself…
who does Macbeth kill in battle young siward…
what happens to Macbeth he is killed by macduff…
how does siward react to his sons death he is sad but glad that his son died a soldiers death…
how is macbeths behavior at the end of the play similar to his behavior at the beginning of the play he is still a soldier again, still unsure…
what information does Malcolm reveal in the last speech of the play he is going to make all that fought with him Thanes and then bring back all the people that were exiled …
what is a theme of the play ambition and retibution…
what is a foil …, a character whose situation or actions parallel those of another character
which characters in the play are foils?Foils to whom? Macbeth and banquo, Macbeth and Macduff, Lady Macbeth and Lady Macduff…
what is the ancient meaning of the term protagonist a main character who suffers in his downfall…
is Macbeth a protagonist? how? why? yes, he suffers mentally and physically…
what is a tragic flaw and what is Macbeth’s tragic flaw a deficiency in a character that contributes to hos downfall. Macbeth is too gullible, and his ambition…
what is meant by catharsis how is catharsis evident in the play a feeling of pity and fear for the tragic hero so that the audience’s emotions tensions are released…
Act 1 Exposition
Act 2 Rising action
Act 3 Climax
Act 4 Falling action
Act 5 Denouement
fair is foul and foul is fair Witches
and oftentimes to win us to our harm the instruments of darkness tell us truth win us with us with honest trifles Banquo
A deep repentance nothing in his life became him like the leaving it he died as one that has had been studied in his desk to throw away the dearest thing he owed Malcolm
look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it
the sleeping and the dead are but as pictures tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil Lady Macbeth
a little water clears us of this deed Lady Macbeth
Thou hast it now King Cawdor Glamis all as the weird women promised and I fear you played the most foully for Iit Banquo
where our desire is got without content to see for to be that which we destroyed then be destruction dwell in death doubtful joy Lady Macbeth
out damn spot out I say Lady Macbeth
I have lived long enough my way of life is fallen into the senior the yellow leaf and that which should accompany old age as on ur in love begins trooper friends Macbeth
and all our yesterdays are lighted fools the way to dusty death out out brief candles life but a walking shadow Macbeth
Highland show that I face if lbs lane and with two stroke of May line my wife and children ghost will haunt me still Macduff
I will not yield to kiss the ground before young Malcolm seat and to be buried with the Revel course Macbeth
P1 9. the title of the heir to the Scottish throne Prince of Cumberland
P1 15. Acts as a messenger in the play? Ross
P2 4. setting of macbeth 11th Century Scotland
P2 12. Shakesperian trjeety should produce catharsis
P3 2. What is the witches phrophecy to banquo 1) He will be lesser in some ways and then more then Macbeth2) not so happy, but get much happier3) will not be king, but his sons will…
P3 6. What 3 questions does Macbeth ask banquo? 1) are you going riding 2)How long will you be? 3) is Fleance going with you?
P5. 3 There’s no art to find minds art… Duncan
P5 17. naught had all’s had… Lady Macbeth