How does the storm parallel Lear’s mental and emotional issues? | … |
Why does Lear alternatively pray to and rage against the storm? | … |
What is the significance of Lear’s decision to go with Kent to seek shelter in the hovel? | … |
What does Gloucester confide to Edmund? How can Edmund make use of this information? | … |
What is Lear’s mood as Kent tries to persuade him to enter the hovel? | … |
What is Lear’s immediate reaction to Edgar (disguised as the beggar Tom)? | … |
What is the importance of the mock trial of Regan and Goneril? | … |
Why is Regan and Cornwall’s treatment of Gloucester a multiple offense? | … |
What message does the audience draw from the servant’s defense of Gloucester? | … |
King Lear ACT III
July 14, 2019