Assail | Attack with arguments, quest. ; have a powerful effect on |
Portentous | Warns of evil; ominous |
Privy | Privately informed of |
Invulnerable | That cannot be injured |
Auspicious | Of good omen for the future; favoring to success |
Obstinate | Unyielding to reason or plea; stubborn |
Impious | Lacking reverence or respect for a parent or other authority |
Imminent | Likely to happen soon; threatening |
Precepts | Commandments or principles meant to serve as rules of conduct. |
Pernicious | Highly destructive; causing ruin |
Piteous | Evoking or deserving pity or compassion |
Perusal | Act of examining in detail; scrutiny |
Brevity | Expression in a few words; shortness of time |
Satirical | Using ridicule, sarcasm, or irony to expose, attack, or deride vices, follies, ect. |
Contrive | Think up or plan; bring about |
Promontory | High court point of land or rock that juts out into a body water; also used to refer to a bluff or a hill |
Pestilent | Fatal; deadly |
Pastoral | Potraying rural life, usually in an idealized way. |
Affection | Artificial behavior engaged in to impress others. |
Visage | The face, espescially the facial expression |
Turbulent | Full of disorder; violently stirred up |
Insolence | Quality of being boldly disrespectful in speech or conduct |
Calumny | False statement meant to harm someone’s reputation; slander |
Torrent | A violent, rushing stream; a flood of words, mail, ect. |
Temperance | Quality of being moderate or self-restrained in conduct |
Judicious | Showing good judgement; wise and careful |
Clemency | Leniency or mercy, especially toward an offender or enemy; an act of mercy |
Extant | Still in existance; not lost or destroyed |
Primal | First; original |
Conjoined | Brought together; combined |
Discord | Lack of harmony; conflict |
Gleaned | Collected or found out gradually |
Craven | Extremely cowardly |
Exhort | Urge strongly by advice or warning |
Conjectures | Theories or predictions based on guesses. |
Impetuous | Done suddenly, especially with little thought; reckless |
Inceased | Made extremely angry; infuriated |
Ostentation | Showly displaced |
Conjunctive | Serving to bind together; connective |
Exploit | A deed or act, especially a bold, daring, or heroic deed |
Circumvent | Go around; anticipate and evade or defeat by clevernes or deception |
Churlish | Surly and ill-bred; selfish |
Diligence | Painstaking attention to a task; careful effort |
Perdition | Eternal damnation |
Verity | Truth; reality |
Edified | Instructed and improved; enlightened |
Germane | Relevant to the matter at hand; to the point |
Augury | Foretelling the future by means of omens; an omen |
Palpable | That can be touched or felt; definite |
Felicity | Happiness; joy |
Hamlet Vocabulary
August 9, 2019