Give an example of Hamlet’s hypocrisy, which connects to his later murder of Polonius. “in the… whirlwind of your passion, you must acquire and beget a temperance…”
How does Hamlet demonstrate his valuing of Horatio’s superior morality through lack of status? “…no revenue hast but thy good spirits… let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp…”
How does Hamlet attempt to assert his dominance over Ophelia? “Do you think I meant country matters?”
Which quote is an example of stycomythia and thus Ophelia’s, possibly unexpected, denial of Hamlet’s exploitation? “I think nothing, my Lord…”
Which quote demonstrates Hamlet’s use of direct address, thus diminishing the idea of feigned madness? “Madam, how like you this play?”
Which word represents reality and foreshadows the sentiment in the next scene? Claudius calls for “light”
Which quote demonstrates the ineliminable power of justice but also Hamlet’s possibly predatory hate? “Let the stricken deer go weep.”
How is Hamlet’s euphoric joy celebrated but also possibly his love for the abstract and the unseen? “Ah ha! – Come, some music!”
How does Hamlet allude to the importance of Old Hamlet in his convictions? “churchyards yawn”
How is Hamlet’s anger towards ignorance demonstrated? “‘Sblood, do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe?”
How is Hamlet’s use of word play shown within the scene? “…though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me.”
How does Shakespeare use repetition to create the notion of manipulation or control (in a similar way to a ‘pipe’? “…it is backed like a weaselOr like a whale?Very like a whale.”