What theme is once again repeated in Hamlet rhyme “Imperious Caesar, dead and turned to clay,/Might stop a hole to keep the wind away?” | Doesn’t matter who you are, everyone comes out the same in the end, death (food for worms) |
What is the Priest’s attitude toward Ophelia’s death? | She is going to hell because she committed suicide so don’t make her funeral a big dealShouldn’t be buried with the Christian ceremony |
What do you think? Can Ophelia be held responsible for her own death? Is one guilty of suicide if he fails to save himself? | Not suicide because she was crazy and wasn’t aware she was in danger |
Why is Hamlet angered by Laertes’ grief? Is that reasonable? Is it believable? | He thinks that he loved Ophelia more than Laertes (competitive )Looks back and regrets people not know him and Ophelia’s relationship |
Explain Hamlet’s statement that “There’s a divinity that shapes our ends,/ Rough-hew them how we will.” | A God, a planned end, somebody in chargeGod shapes our lives, all we have to do is the rough hewing (major parts) |
Explain how Hamlet managed to condemn R&G to the fate that Claudius had planned for him. | Sends a letter to the King of England saying to kill R and G Seals the envelope with his father’s ring |
What is Hamlet’s reference when he says, “If it be now, tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come”? Does this reflect a change in Hamlet’s attitude toward death? | It=deathReflecting on the fact that everybody diesIf I die now, I wont die later, if I don’t die now, I will die laterNot afraid of dying anymore and accepts it as a part of life |
Why does the King drop the pearl in the cup after he has drunk? | So that Hamlet will drink it and get poisoned |
Explain the fencing action. | Hamlet wounds LaertesThey are both wounded with poison Laertes stabs Hamlet and Hamlet gets mad (against rules) and wounds him. Hamlet retaliates and picks up Laertes sword and stabs him with the poison sword |
The Queen finally stands up to Claudius when he tells her not to drink and she says, ” I will, my Lord.” It is a gesture of loyalty to Hamlet. Explain the irony here. | Ironic because the one time she stood up to Claudius it killed herIf she had stood up earlier it could be prevented |
What does Laertes mean when he says, “Why, as a woodcock to mine own springe, Osric. I am justly killed with mine own treachery”? | He is caught in his own trap and killed by his own motivePoison he wanted to kill Hamlet with he is killed with |
What Horatio mean when he says, “I am more antique Roman that a Dane”? What does he intend to do? What is Hamlet’s response? | He says her prefers to commit suicide – in Roman culture it was more honorable to kill yourself rather than to die prisoner Tires to get poison wine and drink the rest of it and kill himself Hamlet tries to take the cup away. He says if he cares about Hamlet then don’t kill himself. He needs to stay alive to clear Hamlets reputation |
Name the characters who die in this tragedy. | King Hamlet, Polonius, Ophelia, R and G, Hamlet, Claudius, Laertes, and Gertrude |
Discuss Hamlet as a study of evil. Are there degrees? Is there any difference between the murder of King Hamlet and that of King Claudius? Of Polonius? Of R&G? | Killing of Claudius less evil than killing of Hamlet |
Does Shakespeare suggest that the purgation of Evil demands the lives of the innocent as well as the guilty? | Ophelia is innocent and diesThe Queen and Hamlet are innocent and die |
English IV Hamlet Act V
August 9, 2019