surfeit | to gorge, overindulge in eating |
cloister | monastery or place of seclusion |
provident | acting with an eye toward the future; prudent, frugal |
abjure | to renounce or reject; abstain from |
ducat | old European word for coin |
prodigal | extravagantly or recklessly wasteful |
transgress | to violate a law or sin |
nonpareil | having no equal |
fervor | intensity of feeling |
peevish | fretful, obstinate |
churlish | vulgar or uncivil, difficult to work or deal with |
mellifluous | having a rich, smooth flow |
cater waulling | protesting or crying harshly |
mitigate | to make less harsh, hostile or painful |
staid | having calmness and self restraint; sober or grave |
bide | to wait for, put up with, tolerate |
damask | a firm, lustrous fabric with patters in satin |
niggardly | grudginly reluctant to spend; stingy |
demure | modest, reserved or coy |
prerogative | an exclusive, right, power or privilege belonging to one due to status |
inure | to accustom to accept something undesirable |
manifest | readily perceived by the senses |
wanton | hard to control, unruly, mischievous |
loath | unwilling to do something against one’s way of thinking; disinclined |
upbraid | to scold or criticize severely |
martial | of or related to the war or military |
visage | face, aspect or appearance of something |
presage | an omen or indication of the future |
pedant | one who is unimaginative or over emphasizes particulars in presentation or use of knowledge |
twelfth night vocabulary
July 8, 2019