When was Shakespeare born? | 1564 |
Where was Shakespeare born? | Stratford on Avon |
Who did Shakespeare marry and how much older was she than him? | Anne Hathaway, 9 years his senior |
How many children did Shakespeare have? | 3 |
Which child of Shakespeare died at a young age? | Hamnet |
What was Shakespeare’s theater? | the Globe Theatre in London |
How did Shakespeare become famous? | He got his fame as a playwright, actor, and poet and was the co-owner of the theatre |
How many people did the Globe Theatre seat? | 3000 |
What are the characteristics of an Elizabethan comedy? | a lighthearted tone, mistaken identities, multiple plot lines, use of puns, clever fool or servant, conflict between propriety and debauchery, young lovers who overcome an obstacle, a happy ending |
loves Olivia, loved by Viola | Orsino, Duke of Illyria |
a rich countess, loved one of the Duke’s servant | Olivia |
loves the Duke, page to Orsino, twin sister of Sebastian | Viola |
twin brother of Viola, Roderigo | Sebastian |
Olivia’s uncle, a drunkard | Sir Toby Belch |
suitor for Olivia’s hand in marriage, a foolish man | Sir Andrew Auguecheek |
the clown | Feste |
Olivia’s steward, a vain and pompous main | Malvolio |
servant of Olivia, her lay in waiting | Maria |
friend of Viola, helps her disguise herself | sea captain |
aristocrats in Olivia’s court | Valentine and Curio |
an aristocrat in the Duke’s court | Fabian |
What kind of comedies inspired this one? | Italian comedies |
What are the major themes of this play? | appearances do not always reflect reality, role playing is a part of society, love often resembles madness |
a reoccurring idea in a work of literature | motifs |
What are some of the motifs in this play? | fools/madness, deceptions/illusions, role-playing/disguises, inversion of normal order, fleeting nature of love and beauty, concealed love, letters/messages |
If music be the food of love, play on | metaphor, Orsino |
Like Arion on the dolphin’s back | simile, Orsino |
Words are very scary rascals | personification |
a statement that appears contradictory but contains truth | paradox |
“Than love that would seem hid: love is night’s moon” | paradox |
a term or phrase that is apparently self-contradictory | oxymoron |
“sweet pangs” | oxymoron |
What character agrees to help Viola dress as a boy? | the sea captain |
What object does Antonio give Sebastian and why? | his purse so he can go buy a toy |
What does Orsino do when Cesario reveals his/her true gender? | he wants her to marry him |
“Fool, there never was a man so notoriously abused. I am as well in my wits, fool.” | Malvolio |
What does the fool’s final song suggest? | things will happen but life goes on. In a way, life is full of absurdities that we have no control over |
Who is Sir Topas? | the priest that Feste, the clown, dresses up as |
What is Antonio’s nickname? | Roderigo |
“No, madam, he does nothing but smile. Your ladyship were best to have some guard….” | Maria |
Who is on their way to be married at the end of Act 4 scene 3 | Sebastian and Olivia |
When does Olivia fall in love with Cesario? | when he goes to her house to convince her to fall in love with Orsino |
Why does Olivia release Malvolio from prison? | she needs him to find the sea captain who knows where Olivia’s clothes are hidden |
“For women are as roses, whose fair flower. Being once displayed….” | Orsino |
How long does Olivia intend to mourn? | 7 years |
What is the setting for the story? | Illyria |
Who of Olivia’s family died (who she is mourning)? | her brother |
Why do Toby and Andrew have head wounds? | Sebastian beat them up |
Why did Olivia think Malvolio was mad? | He was smiling all the time when she told him not to, he was cross-gartered, and was wearing yellow stockings, he was being rude to the servants |
“He thinks by the letters that though wilt drop, that they come from my niece…” | Sir Toby |
“Disguise, I see thou art a wickedness” | Viola |
Who plans on killing Viola at the end of the play? | Orsino |
twelfth night test
July 19, 2019