The Tragedy of Macbeth

Who kills Macbeth? Macduff
How many men reign as king of Scotland throughout the play and who were they? 3 – Duncan, Macbeth, Malcom
Whom does Lady Macbeth frame for the murder of Duncan Duncan’s drunken chamberlains
Who kills Banquo? Murders hired by Macbeth
Which of the following best describes Lady Macbeth’s death? She dies offstage
Who discovers Duncan’s body? Macduff
Whom does Macbeth see sitting in his chair during the banquet? Banquo’s ghost
What vision does Macbeth have before he kills Duncan? He sees a floating dagger pointing him to Duncan’s chamber.
With whom are the Scots at war at the beginning of the play Norway
Which nation’s army invades Scotland at the end of the play? England
Who is the goddess of witchcraft in the play? Hecate
Who kills Donalbain? No one
What happens to Lady Macbeth before she dies? She starts to sleep walk
Who kills Lord Siward’s son? Macbeth
Where are Scottish kings crowned? Scone
Why is Macduff able to kill Macbeth despite the witches’ prophecy? He was born via C-section (so ripped from the womb)
Where is Duncan killed? In his bed chambers at Macbeth’s castle
Who flees Scotland to join Malcolm in England? Macduff
What was the weather like the night Duncan was murdered? Stormy and violent
Who kills Lady Macbeth? Lady Macbeth
Who jokes that he works at “hell gate”? The porter
What title is Macbeth given after his victory described in Act 1? Thane of Cawdor
Who tells Macduff that his family has been killed? Ross
How does Birnam Wood come to Dunsinane? Malcolm’s army hides behind cut-off tree branches
Characters -Macbeth-Lady Macbeth-Three Witches (1,2,3)-Banquo-King Duncan-Macduff-Malcolm-Hecate-Fleance-Lennox-Ross-The Murders (1,2,3)-Porter-Donalbain
Macbeth -Scottish General, Thane of Glamis, Brave Solider, Powerful Man, Ambitious. -Given a prophecy by three witches –Foretold to be Thane of Cawdor & King of Scotland-Husband of Lady Macbeth-Tyrant Ruler
Lady Macbeth -Macbeth’s wife-Ambitious woman -Urges Macbeth to kill Duncan-After bloodshed falls victim to guilt and madness. (She sleepwalks)-strong relationship with Macbeth-Dies of stage (unknown cause)
Three Witches (1,2,3) -Three “black and midnight hags” who plot mischief-prophesied Macbeth’s accession & Banquo’s Nobel lineage to come.-identity unclear (gender wise)-servants of Hecate
Banquo -Noble general -Witches’ prophesied that his children will inherit the Scottish throne.-killed by Murderers hired by Macbeth -Banquo’s ghost haunts Macbeth.-his son is Fleance
King Duncan -King of Scotland -Murdered by Macbeth-Benevolent, and farsighted ruler. -Father of Malcolm & Donalbain
Macduff -Scottish nobleman -Leader of the crusade to unseat Macbeth. -Beheads Macbeth.-Macbeth Kills Macduff’s Wife and child
Hecate -Goddess of witchcraft, -helps the three witches work their mischief on Macbeth.
Fleance -Banquo’s son -survives Macbeth’s attempt to murder him.-whereabouts unknown
Lennox -A Scottish nobleman.
Malcolm -Son of Duncan -Restored to throne-Runs away to (?) From Scotland to avoid being assassinated after his father’s death.-Supported by England.
Ross -A Scottish nobleman.-?
The Murderers (1,2,3) -Hired by Macbeth to murder Banquo & Fleance (whom they fail to kill), and Macduff’s wife and children.
Porter -Drunken doorman of Macbeth’s castle
Donalbain -Duncan’s son-Malcolm’s younger brother.-Runs away to (?) from Scotland to avoid being assasinated after his father’s death.
Themes and Motifs -Corrupting Power of Unchecked Ambition-The Relationship Between Cruelty and Masculinity -The Difference between Kinship and Tyranny-Hallucinations-Violence-Prophecy-Blood-The Weather