What is the name of Prospero’s daughter? | Miranda |
With whom did Miranda fall for upon meeting with the first time? | Ferdinand |
What is the names of Prospero’s servants? | Caliban and Ariel |
What is the name of Caliban’s mother? | Sycorax |
What city was Prospero the duke of before being usurped? | Milan |
Who is the character who caused the storm in Act I, scene i? | Ariel |
Who has to stack wood for Prospero? | Ferdinand |
Did the storm described in the first scene of the play suggest the title of the play? | Yes |
How is Prospero personified in the play? | Wise and powerful |
Who is Sycorax? | Caliban’s mother and a witch |
What does Prospero’s mantle represent? | His power as a magician |
Alonso is the King of what Italian realm? | Naples |
At the beginning of the play, Alonso is returning from_______? | His daughter’s wedding |
Prospero most often describes Gonzalo as ________? | Honest |
In Act I, the mariners abandon the ship becuase: | They were under a spell |
why does Ferdinand initially fall in love with Miranda? | Ariel’s enchantment |
How does Prospero test Ferdinand’s love to Miranda? | He makes him a servant |
Throughout the play, Alonso is grieved by: | Thoughts of his son’s death |
Who forms a plot to take Ariel’s crown? | Sebastian and Antonio |
Caliban thinks Sebastian is a “brave god” because of his: | “Celestial liquor” |
Who is the speaker of the epilogue? | Prospero |
Who is the epilogue addressed to? | The audience |
Prospero and Miranda survive the usurpation due to: | Gonzalo’s help |
Antonio and Sebastian’s murder plot is stopped in Act III by: | A banquet brought in by spirits |
Much of Prospero’s hope for power depends upon: | Miranda’s hopes for marriage |
Prospero made Caliban a servant primarily because Caliban: | Tried to rape Miranda |
In Act V, Prospero primarily blames whom for the crimes against him? | Alonso |
According to Prospero, where did the King’s ship land after the tempest?Naples | Bermuda |
Who says the famous quote “O brave new world/ that has such people in’t”? | Miranda |
In Act I, Miranda is upset with her father because: | Mariners might have been killed in the storm |
Alonso finds out that Prospero is still alive because: | Ariel charges him with betraying Prospero |
In Act I, Prospero ascribes the loss of his dukedom to: | His negligence as a ruler |
Which of these things does Caliban NOT promise to Stephano?A-faithful serviceB-magical powers, via ArielC-rule of the island | B |
Which of the following mythological figures does NOT appear in the play?A-JunoB-CeresC-Diana | C |
Which of the following is NOT a major theme of The Tempest?A-rebirth through loveB-forgiveness vs. vengeanceC-new colonial issues | A |
Where did Sycorax imprison Ariel? | In a cloven pine |
Where does Ariel put the mariners and Boatswain after the tempest? | Asleep in the ship in the harbor |
What does Prospero intend to “drown” after he has reconciled with his enemies? | His book |
What is the final task Prospero orders Ariel to perform? | To give the fleet calm seas on its return to Italy |
What does Caliban say is his “chief profit” from learning language? | He knows how to curse |
What is the name of Alonso’s daughter? | Claribel |
What does Caliban say must be done before Prospero can be killed? | His books must be seized |
What shape does Ariel assume at the magical banquet in Act III, scene iii? | Happy |
What do we see Miranda and Ferdinand doing in the play’s final scene? | Playing chess |
Over how many days does the action of The Tempest take place? | One |
How long have Prospero and Miranda been on their island? | Twelve years |
From which country is Alonso’s ship returning when it is caught in the tempest? | Tunis |
Whom does Caliban mistake for one of Prospero’s spirits sent to torment him? | Trinculo |
We are told that one of the following characters has visited England. Which one? | Trinculo |
What does Ferdinand promise Miranda on their second meeting? | That he will marry her |
The Tempest Questions
July 18, 2019