Act 1, Sc. 1: Miranda seats herself and Prospero looks out over the audience, as if viewing the tempest happening far out to sea. | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: If by your art, my dearest father, you have put the wild waters in this roar, allay them. O, I have suffered with those that I saw suffer. |
Act 1, Sc. 1: PROSPERO: Tell your piteous heart there’s no harm done. I have done nothing but in care of thee, my daughter, who art ignorant of what thou art, nought knowing of whence I am. | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: More to know did never meddle with my thoughts. |
Act 1, Sc. 1: PROSPERO: ‘Tis time I should inform thee farther. Pluck mymagic garment from me. | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: You have often begun to tell me what I am, but stopp’d. |
Act 1, Sc. 1: PROSPERO: The hour’s now come. Obey and be attentive. Canstthou remember a time before we came unto this cell? Thou wast not out three years old. | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: (remembering) ‘Tis far off. Had I not four or fivewomen once that tended me? |
Act 1, Sc. 1: PROSPERO: Thou hadst, and more, Miranda. Twelve year since,thy father was the Duke of Milan and thou his only heir. | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: O the heavens! What foul play had we, that we came from thence? Or blessed was’t we did? |
Act 1, Sc. 1: PROSPERO: Both, both, my girl. By foul play, as thou say’st, were we heaved thence, but blessedly holp hither. | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: O, my heart bleeds. Please you, farther. |
Act 1, Sc. 1: PROSPERO: My brother and thy uncle, call’d Antonio — he next thyself of all the world I loved. The government I cast upon my brother and to my state grew stranger, being transported and rapt in secret studies. Thy false uncle… (checking that she’s listening) Dost thou attend me? | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: Sir, most heedfully. |
Act 1, Sc. 1: PROSPERO: I, thus neglecting worldly ends, in my false brother awaked an evil nature. Being thus lorded, he did believe he was indeed the duke. Hence– (checking again) Dost thou hear? | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: Your tale, sir, would cure deafness. |
Act 1, Sc. 1: PROSPERO: Me, poor man, my library was dukedom largeenough: of temporal royalties he thinks me now incapable — confederates wi’ the King of Naples! | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: O the heavens! |
Act 1, Sc. 1: PROSPERO: (to Miranda) Awake, dear heart, awake! | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: The strangeness of your story put heaviness in me. |
Act 1, Sc. 1: FERDINAND: (upset) This is no mortal business, nor no sound that the earth owes. | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: (to Prospero) What is’t? A spirit? It carries a brave form. |
Act 1, Sc. 1: PROSPERO: No, wench; it eats and sleeps and hath such senses as we have. This gallant which thou seest was in the wreck. | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: I might call him a thing divine, for nothing natural I ever saw so noble. |
Act 1, Sc. 1: FERDINAND: Most sure, the goddess on whom these airs attend! O you wonder! Be you maid or no? | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: No wonder, sir, but certainly a maid. |
Act 1, Sc. 1: FERDINAND: (sad) Myself am Naples, who with mine eyes beheld the king my father wreck’d. | Act 1, Sc. 1: MIRANDA: Alack, for mercy!he, having seen but him and Caliban.MIRANDA: I have no ambition to see a goodlier man. |
Enter MIRANDA. PROSPERO enters upstage at the cell entrance, unseen by the other two | MIRANDA: Alas, now, pray you, work not so hard. My father is at study. He’s safe for these three hours. |
FERDINAND: O most dear mistress, the sun will set before I shall discharge what I must strive to do. | MIRANDA: If you’ll sit down, I’ll bear your logs the while. |
FERDINAND: No, precious creature. I had rather break my back, than you should such dishonour undergo while I sit lazy by. I do beseech you– What is your name? | MIRANDA: Miranda. |
FERDINAND: Admired Miranda! For several virtues have I liked several women, but you — O you, so perfect and so peerless — are created of every creature’s best! | MIRANDA: I do not know one of my sex, nor have I seen more that I may call men than you, good friend, and my dear father. |
FERDINAND: Hear my soul speak: the very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to your service. For your sake am I this patient log- man. | MIRANDA: Do you love me? |
FERDINAND: Wherefore weep you? | MIRANDA: At mine unworthiness that dare not offer what I desire to give, and much less take what I shall die to want. I am your wife, if you will marry me |
FERDINAND: My mistress, dearest; and I thus humble ever. | MIRANDA: My husband, then? |
Act 5, Sc. 1: ALONSO: (to Ferdinand) Arise, and say how thou camest here | MIRANDA: (to Prospero) O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, that has such people in’t |
The Tempest – Miranda
July 24, 2019