Miranda | Prospero’s Daughter |
Prospepro | the former Duke of Milan |
Ariel | Sprite |
Antonio | The current Duke of milan (Prospero’s Brother) |
Stephano | a Drunken butler |
Trinculo | a jester |
Alonso | king of naples |
Ferdinand | Son and heir of Alonso |
Gonzalo | an optimist councilor ( Gave food to Prospero) |
Sycorax | Witch, Imprisoned Ariel |
Caliban | Son of Sycorax |
Abhorred | hated |
allay | to calm |
chide | to scold |
fen | marsh or bog |
fortitude | bravery |
homage | tribute |
perfidious | treacherous |
precursors | one who goes before |
prerogative | privilege |
Who did Antonio ally with to kick prospero out of power? | Alonso |
Who imprisoned Ariel? | Sycorax |
What did Miranda teach Caliban? | To talk the language she spooke |
what happens when Miranda and Ferdinand see each other? | The fall in love. |
What does Ferdinand think happened to his father? | He thinks he died in the shipwreck |
Brine | salt water |
jocund | merry |
odious | hateful |
peerless | without equal |
sinews | tendons |
surfeited | full, satisfied |
vigilance | watchfulness |
abominable | dreadful |
celestial | heavenly |
enmity | hostility |
nimble | quick, alert |
prate | chatter, gab |
spendthrift | wasteful spender |
trifle | insignificant thing |
upbraid | To scold |
where were the castaways going when they were shipwreched? | Naples (back home) |
which character wants to be king of an island wiht no kings? | Gonzalo |
Which two characters are plotting to over throw Alonso? | Antonio and Sabastian |
Of those two characters which overthrew his brother? | Antonio |
what does Caliban think the sailors are when he first sees them? | spirits |
Who does Caliban begin to worship as his new master? | Stephano |
What does Caliban’s new master call him? | Monster |
what is prosero’s goal in letting Miranda and Ferdinand get to know each other? | To have power over Ferdinand who will rule Naples. |
What plan does Caliban suggest for killing Prospero? | in his sleep |
Who is almost killed in a similar way to the plan above? | Gonzalo and Alonso |
Abstemious | moderate, sparing |
barren | infertile |
compensation | payment or something given or done to make up for something |
deity | a god |
disdain | scorn |
mute | unable or wnilling to seak |
oracle | fortune-teller |
rabble | unruly crowd |
vexed | troubled |
Iris | messenger of the gods |
juno | queen of the sky |
ceres | sister of juno |
Venus | Goddess of love |
Cupid | venus’ son |
The tempest
July 18, 2019