Olivia | Admits she sent the ring to Cesario |
Viola | Realizes that Antonio has mistaken her for Sebastian |
Antonio | Saves viola from fighting a duel with sir Andrew |
Feste | Assumes the disguise of a priest |
Duke Orsino | Proposes to viola at end of the play |
Sebastian | Marries Olivia |
Sir Toby | Arranges a duel between Sir Andrew and Cesario |
Malvlio | Puts on yellow stockings and crossed garters |
Elephant inn | Where Sebastian and Antonio agree to meet |
Sir Andrew | Is wounded in a duel |
Sir toby | “come, we’ll have him a dark room, and bound. My niece is already in the belief that he’s mad; we may carry it thus, for our pleasure and his penance…” |
Sebastian | “what relish is in this? how runs the stream? or am i mad, or else this is a dream. let fancy still my sense in lethe steep; if it be thus to dream, still let me sleep.” |
Fabian | “if it were played upon a stage now, i condemn its an improbable fiction”. |
Olivia | “thou shalt be both plaintiff and the judge of thine own cause.” |
Viola | “god pray defend me! a little thing would make me tell them how much i lack of a man.” |
Sir Andrew | “he has broke my head across, and has given sir toby a bloody coxcomb too.” |
Malvlio | “i say this house is as dark as, thou ignorance were as dark as hell: and i say was never man thus abused.” |
feste | “madman, thou errest. I say there is no darkness but ignorance, in which thou art more puzzled then Egyptians in there fog.” |
Antonio | “how have you made division of yourself? an apple cleft in two is more twin than these to creatures. which is sebastian?” |
Duke Orsino | “here comes the countess; now heaven walks on earth.” |
Olivia pleads for cesarios love. | What does Olivia plead for in her second meeting with cesario? |
Antonio and Sebastian agree to meet at elephant inn. Antonio hides there while sebastian goes sight seeing. because he wants to hide from his enemy | what plans do Antonio and sebastian make upon entering illyria? |
he is being rude to other servants and is wearing yellow stockings cross-gartered | why does Olivia believe malvlio is mad? |
feste finds sebastian | who does feste find when looking for cesario |
She proposes marriage thinking that he is cesario and they get married | describe what happens between sebastian and Olivia |
pen, ink, paper, and a light so he could write a letter to Olivia to tell her that he is not mad | what does malvolio tell feste to bring him? |
Olivia thinks that cesario is her new husband “Sebastian” | who does Olivia believe cesario to be? |
Antonio, sir Andrew, and Olivia | name at least three characters who see cesario and believe that he is sebastian |
father named sebastian, from messaline, mole over brow, died when she was 13, sea captain has her women’s clothing | how does viola prove that she is his sister? |
sir toby and maria, sebastian and Olivia, orsino and viola are engaged | who is married at the end of the play? who is plans to be married? |
Shakespeare twelfth night acts worksheet
July 17, 2019