Romeo and Juliet Study Guide

When and where was Shakespeare born? He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, U.K. in the 1500’s
Who was Shakespeare married to? Anne Hathaway
What was Shakespeare’s acting troupe called? The Lord Chamberlain’s Men
What did Shakespeare build? The Globe
Name Five of Shakespeare’s plays Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Othello,The Tempest,A Midsummer Night’s Dream
What time were plays performed? Why? Plays were preformed in the early afternoon since there were no artificial lights for the stage.
Who played women in plays? Men played all roles.
Apothecary the apothecary was someone who was desperate for money. He was important to the play because he was the one who sold Romeo the poison.
Balthazar Balthazar was Romeo’s assistant who was unaware of the situation. He was important to the play because he was the one who told Romeo Juliet was dead. He also waited outside while Romeo killed himself.
Benvolio Benvolio was a friend of Romeo who just wanted the best for him. He was important to the story because Benvolio was the one who got Romeo to go to the ball where he met Juliet.
Count Paris Count Paris was Juliet’s betrothed. Paris just wanted to marry Juliet. He was important to the story because he added complications to Juliet’s marriage to Romeo.
Friar Lawrence Friar Lawrence was the religious figure in the book. He was important to the story because he married Romeo and Juliet. He was also the one who helped Juliet fake her death.
Juliet Juliet was the young, love struck, and main character of the story. She was important to the story because she was the main character. Without her, Romeo would not have fallen in love so young.
Lady Capulet Lady Capulet was the mother of Juliet. Although she was not as close with Juliet as she should have been, she still cared about her father. She was important to the story because she was encouraging Juliet to marry Paris.
Lady Montague Lady Montague was the mother of Romeo. She was present throughout most of the book. She was important because she eventually died of a heart attack. This heart attack was caused by depression since Romeo was exiled.
Lord Capulet Lord Capulet was Juliet’s father. He wanted what was best for her. He was important to the story because he threatened to abandon Juliet if she did not marry Paris.
Lord Montague Lord Montague was the father of Romeo. He was important to the story because at the end he made peace with Lord Capulet. Without him, the feud might have continued on.
Mercutio Mercutio was a friend of Romeo who stood up for anybody. He was important to the story because he was killed by Tybalt in a fight that was supposed to be between Romeo and Tybalt.
Prince Escalus Prince Escalus was the prince of the town who was concerned for the safety of the people of the town. He was important to the story because he threatened to kill anyone who disturbed the peace of the town. He was also the one who exiled Romeo to Mantua.
Romeo Romeo was the young,lovestruck , main character of the story. Without him, Juliet would have probably married Paris and still be living. He was important to the story because there would not have been a tragic love story without him.
Rosaline Rosaline was a kind woman who refused to fall in love. She was important because she was the reason that Romeo was depressed. If he was not depressed, he would not have been forced to go to the ball where he met Juliet.
Tybalt Tybalt was the arrogant cousin of Juliet. He was important to the story because he killed Mercutio and eventually was killed himself. If Tybalt had not been in the story, Romeo would not have been exiled.
Friar John Friar John was a friend of Friar Lawrence. He was important to the story because he was sent to deliver the letter that explained everything to Romeo. Instead, he was quarantined until it was too late. If Romeo had got the letter, neither him or Juliet would be dead.
When Juliet gets to the Friar’s cell after she’s been told about Paris she is troubled. What does she threaten to do? When Juliet gets to the Friar’s cell after she’s been told about Paris she is troubled,she threatens to kill herself.
Why does Romeo kill Tybalt? Romeo kills Tybalt because Tybalt killed Mercutio.
Who does Romeo kill and then lie in the tomb next to Juliet? Romeo kills Paris and then lies him in the tomb next to Juliet. That was Paris’ last wish.
Who are Juliet’s two confidants? Juliet’s two confidants are the Nurse and Friar Lawrence.
How did the fight begin in Act I, and what did the Prince do to try to restore order? The fight in Act I began when two servants from the rival families got into an argument. This led to a fight. The Prince tried to restore order by threatening to kill whoever disturbed the peace of the two again.
Who acts as a messenger from Romeo to Juliet? The Nurse acts as a messenger from Romeo to Juliet.
When Romeo first meets Juliet, what does he want to do to her? When Romeo first meets Juliet, he wants to kiss her.
What is Friar Lawrence’s role in Romeo and Juliet’s romance? Friar Lawrence is the one who officiated the marriage of Romeo and Juliet. He is also the one who helped Juliet fake her death so she could be together with Romeo.
Why doesn’t Romeo want to fight Tybalt? Romeo does not want to fight Tybalt because Tybalt is Juliet’s cousin. Since Romeo just married Juliet, he does not want to fight his new family.
What is Romeo’s original intention for attending the party? Romeo’s original intention for attending the party was to see Rosaline there. Benvolio wanted Romeo to go so that he would see other women besides Rosaline.
Who is to blame for the death of the two lovers? The death of the two lovers could be blamed by many people. You could blame Romeo and Juliet, for rushing things to fast. You could blame Friar Lawrence for marrying them. The Nurse because she did not stop them. You could also blame the two feuding families. If they were not fighting, Romeo and Juliet would not have had to hide their love.
How does Mercutio die? Mercutio dies when he fights Tybalt. Romeo would not fight Tybalt, so Meructio stepped up to fight him. Romeo was talking to Mercutio and Tybalt came from behind and stabbed Meructio from under Romeo’s armpit.
Where is Romeo banished to? Romeo was banished to Mantua.
How do the Capulets and Montagues reconcile their differences? The Capulets and Montagues reconcile their differences after the death of their children. They agree to make piece and each family said they would build a statue of the other family’s child.
Aside when a character’s dialogue is spoken but not heard by the other characters.
Allusion -a reference to a well known work of art,literature,music, or history. Example: “At lover’s perjuries, they say Jove laughs.”(Act II Scene 2) Jove is another name for Jupiter, the Roman King of Gods.
Blank Verse an un-rhyming verse written in iambic pentameter
Dramatic Irony he audience knows something that the characters do not knowAlas, alas! Help, help! My lady’s dead!” (Act 4 Scene 5)
Foreshadowing a reference to something that will happen later in the storyExample: ” Too early seen unknown, and known too late,”
Metaphor a direct comparison between to unlike thingsExample: Romeo-“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?/ It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.”(Act 2 Scene 2)
Monologue an extended speech by one person
Similie a comparison using like or as” As a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear.” (Act 1 Scene 5)
Personification an inanimate object or concept is given the qualities of a human or animalExample: Juliet-“For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night/Whither than new snow on a raven’s back/Come gentle night, come.”(Act 3 Scene 2)
Soliloquy monologue that reveals the inner feelings of a character