Why has Tybalt come looking for Romeo? | He wants to duel him |
What does Mercutio do? | He insults Tybalt and fights him |
How does Romeo contribute to Mercutio’s death? | He holds him back, causing him to be unable to defend himself |
What is the outcome of the fight between Romeo and Tybalt? | Tybalt dies |
What punishment does Escalus(the Prince) give Romeo? | Banishment |
Why does Juliet defend Romeo’s actions? | She says it was because of self defencse |
At the scene 2, what does Juliet ask the nurse to do? | To bring Romeo to her |
What is Romeo’s reaction when Friar Laurence tells him that Escalus(the Prince) banished him? | He collapses in despair |
What is Friar Laurence’s plan for Romeo? | Romeo will spend the night with Juliet and go to Montua |
In scene 4, what does Capulet tell Paris? | He can marry Juliet in 3 days |
At the beginning of scene five, why do Romeo and Juliet discuss whether it is morning or not? | Because Romeo has to leave, and they do not want to seperate |
What is Capulet’s reaction when he finds out that Juliet refuses to marry Paris? | He threatens to disown her |
What does the nurse tell Juliet she should do? | She advises Juliet to marry Paris because his is better than Romeo, and that Juliet’s marriage to Romeo is practically over |
Why is Juliet so angry with the nurse at the end of scene five? | Because the nurse advised Juliet to break her vows and she insulted Romeo |
How are Juliet’s beliefs about love and marriage different from her parents’? | Juliet did not believe in arranged marriages like her parents |
Describe the change in Juliet’s behavior toward her parents. | She’s more defiant |
Romeo and Juliet Act 3
July 18, 2019