Prose Versus Blank Verse – Othello (Shakespeare)

“confessions – handkerchiefs – confessions” Othello’s blank verse breaking down to prose
“Hell and night must bring this monstrous birth to the world’s light” Iago’s soliloquy shows him using blank verse rather than prose as he schemes
“I am worth no worse a place” Iago; link between language and class, i.e. prose indicates lower class
“Come, be a man. Drown thy self? Drown cats and blind puppies” Example of Iago using prose to manipulate Roderigo
“Othello’s grand verse breaks down into jagged, discorded prose. Iago’s prose becomes triumphant verse” Fintan O’Toole (critic)
“Farewell, the tranquil mind! Farewell content” Othello wishing his mental functions “farewell”; link between loss of senses and loss of blank verse
“work on, my medicine” Iago using blank verse on his own, tormenting Othello without Othello aware
“My lord is not my lord” Desdemona as perceptive