prejudice and social injustice (merchant of venice)

__ shylock harbors an ‘_ _’ towards the ‘_’ antonio. ancient suggesting _ fued, almost as if it is hereditary. also suggests how it is _. shakespeare could be pointing out how discrimination is an outdated idea – discrimination is completely _ and should not be still ongoing since elizabethan stereotypes are _, as challenged by the play where shylock is both _ and villain. grudges are usually caused by past _ and so suggests shylock is only like this because of how badly _ have treated him; he is a _ of the harsh cruelty he has labelling him christian, emphasises _ within society. anonymity, all _ act 1 sc 3, ancient grudge, christian, long, outdated, obsolete, false, victim, insult, christians, product, divisions, christians
__ jacob (biblical ref) was ‘_’ and that ‘_ is blessing”. shylock _ practice of usury which is wrong to christians by citing a biblical story of jacob who found clever way of earning _ for his efforts. shylock claims that he was blest and that _ (profit) is blessing. repetiton of blest suggests how shylock believes god is _ of usury, it is holy, beloved. by citing bible, shows how different _ of bible lead to divisions within society. prejudice therefore _, are completely meaningless and based on _ act 1 sc 3 blest, thrift, defends, profit, thrift, accepting, interpretations, superficial, opinion
__ morocco calls on portia etc to not judge on his ‘_ _’ for his ‘_ _ _’ and just as red as the ‘_’ european. red signifies _. the use of the _ shows how confident he is despite the prejudice and the length he needs to go to in order to prove his _. morocco’s talk about _ colour and blood reducing humans to _ and relates to the pound of _ shylock wants which further shows social _. shakespeare saying prejudice is uncivilised and dehumanises and _ humans. act 2 sc 1, shadow’d, livery, blood is reddest, fairest, courage, superlative, worth, skin, meat, flesh, injustice, objectifies
__ a jew is ‘_ _ the _ food … _ by the _ means … as a _ is’. repetition of _ implies equality. _ list highlights how the prejudice he has faced has been _ to so _ people despite the _ list of comparisons between them. act 3 sc 1, fed, with, same, healed, same, christian, syndetic, constant, many, ongoing,
__ a jew has ‘_, organs, _ …’ asyndetic list shows how everyone is the _, act 3 sc 1, hands, dimensions, same