Act 11. Act 1 takes place in _____________.a) Cyprusb) Venicec) Rhodes | Venice |
2. Whom has Othello recently appointed as his lieutenant?a) Cassiob) Roderigoc) Iago | Cassio |
3. Who is Desdemona’s father?a) Roderigob) The Duke of Venicec) Brabantio | Brabantio |
4. Where is Cassio from?a) Veniceb) Florencec) Cyprus | Florence |
5. The fleet which may soon attack Cyprus is from where?a) Rhodesb) Turkeyc) Greece | Turkey |
6. Name the couple who have recently eloped.a) Othello and Emiliab) Iago and Emiliac) Othello and Desdemona | Othello and Desdemona |
7. Which character says “I am not what I am”?a) Roderigob) Iagoc) Othello | Iago |
8. Which character hopes to woo Desdemona away from Othello?a) Cassiob) Iagoc) Roderigo | Iago |
9. Complete the quotation.”The Moor is of a free and ______ natureThat thinks men ________ that but seem to be so.”a) trusting truthfulb) open honestc) trusting honest | Open, honest |
10. Who were the Moors?a) African people of mixed Berber and Arab descent b) People from Maltac) Peatland farmers | African people of mixed Berber and Arab descent |
11. Of what does Brabantio accuse Othello?a) Bewitching his daughterb) Kidnapping his daughterc) Seducing his daughter | Kidnapping his daugher |
12. “An old black ramIs tupping your white ewe.” This quotation is an example of which theme?a) Loveb) Racismc) Animal cruelty | Racism |
13. “Look to her Moor if thou hast eyes to seeShe has deceived her father and may thee.” Who said this?a) Brabantiob) The Duke of Venicec) Iago | Barbantio |
14. Choose the best word to describe Iago’s feelings towards Othello.a) Envyb) Hatredc) Jealousy | Jealousy |
15. Complete the quotation.”She loved me for the _________ I had passedAnd I loved her that she did pity them.”a) beggarsb) storiesc) dangers | dangers |
16. Why does Iago think he should have been promoted to the position of lieutenant instead of Cassio?a) He has more practical military experience.b) He is more intelligent.c) He has been working for Othello for longer than Cassio. | He has more practical military experience. |
17. Other than being passed over for promotion what reason does Iago give for his hatred of Othello?a) Othello is black.b) People say that Othello has had an affair with Iago’s wife.c) Othello cheated him out of money. | People say that Othello has had an affair with Iago’s wife. |
18. What adjective does Iago use to describe Roderigo?a) gullibleb) richc) pleasant | gullible |
19. Complete the quotation.”If virtue no delighted beauty lack.Your son in law is far more fair than ______” (Duke of Venice)a) goldb) blackc) Desdemona | black |
20. Which character says “In following him I follow but myself”?a) Cassiob) Iagoc) Othello | Iago |
Act 221. What happens to the Turkish fleet?a) It is wrecked on rocks near Rhodes.b) A storm destroys it.c) Othello defeats it. | A storm destroys it. |
22. Who is Montano?a) The Governor of Cyprusb) The Duke of Venicec) The Admiral of the fleet | the governor of Cyprus |
23. Name Iago’s wifea) Calpurniab) Emiliac) Bianca | Emilia |
24. Come on come on! You are pictures out of doorsBells in your parlours wildcats in your kitchensSaints in your injuries devils being offendedPlayers in you housewifery and housewives in your beds.What does this quotation tell us about Iago?a) He loves women.b) He has a cynical view of women.c) He finds Emilia difficult to live with. | He loves women. |
25. In Act 2 Scene 1 what lie does Iago tell Roderigo about Desdemona?a) She is in love with Roderigo.b) She is in love with Iago.c) She is in love with Cassio. | She is in love with Cassio |
26. In Act 2 Scene 1 what does Iago tell Roderigo to do? His instructions are designed to ensure that Cassio loses his position as Othello’s lieutenant.a) Provoke Cassio to a fight.b) Plant evidence of theft in Cassio’s room.c) Report Cassio to Othello for slander and inciting a mutiny. | Provoke Cassio to a fight |
27. What common reason does Iago give for hating both Othello and Cassio?a) Both are more successful in their careers than Iago.b) Both have insulted him.c) He fears both of them have had affairs with Emilia. | Both are more successful in their careers than Iago. |
28. What does Iago mean when at the end of Act 2 Scene 1 he says “Tis here but yet confused”?a) Everyone has arrived in Cyprus but there is a mix up with the accommodations.b) The Turkish fleet was almost here but it was destroyed.c) The plan is here in my mind but it’s not yet quite clear. | The plan is here in my mind but it’s not yet quite clear. |
29. What is a herald?a) An official employed to make proclamations / announcementsb) A person employed in the navy to send signals to other boatsc) A type of musician | An official employed to make proclamations / announcements |
30. When a night of festivities is announced what two reasons for celebrating are given?a) The destruction of the Turkish fleet; The marriage of Othello and Desdemonab) Deliverance from the Turkish threat; Othello’s appointment as Governorc) The marriage of Othello and Desdemona; Cassio’s appointment as Othello’s lieutenant | the destruction of the Turkish fleet; The marriage of Othello and Desdemona |
31. Which two words are used to describe Othello in Act 2 Scene 2?a) kind; courageousb) noble; valiantc) gallant; brave | noble; valient |
32. Cassio confesses to Iago that he has a weakness for what?a) womenb) drugsc) alcohol | alcohol |
33. Why is Iago keen to get Cassio drunk?a) He wants him to enjoy the festivities.b) He hopes Cassio will get involved in a fight and lose his job.c) He wants him to go to sleep soon. | He hopes cassio will get involved in a fight and lose his job. |
34. Whom does Cassio wound in the drunken brawl?a) Roderigob) Iagoc) Montano | Montano |
35. How does Othello punish Cassio for his action during the brawl?a) He dismisses Cassio as his lieutenant.b) He fines him a week’s wages.c) He tells him to return to Venice immediately. | He tells him to return to Venice immediately. |
36. Who says “Reputation reputation reputation! O I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself and what remains is bestial”?a) Othellob) Iagoc) Cassio | Othello |
37. After Cassio is dismissed what advice does Iago give him?a) Return to Venice and ask for the Duke’s help.b) Ask Desdemona to intercede with Othello for him.c) Apologise to Montana and get Montano to plead his case with Othello. | Ask Desdemona to intercede with Othello for him. |
38. Complete the quotation.”I’ll pour this _________ into his ear.”a) ointmentb) pestilencec) poison | pestilence |
39. Who says this and whom is he talking about? “So I will turn her virtue into pitchAnd out of her goodness make the netThat shall enmesh them all.”a) Iago; Emiliab) Roderigo; Desdemonac) Iago; Desdemona | Iago; Desdemona |
40. Which of the following words is used often in Act 2 to describe Iago?a) honestb) loyalc) honourable | honest |
Act 341. Who sets up a meeting between Cassio and Desdemona?a) Iagob) Emiliac) Roderigo | Emilia |
42. What does Desdemona urge Othello to do?a) reinstate Cassiob) return to Venicec) make peace with her father | Reinstate cassio |
43. Iago plays on Othello’s insecurities. Which of the following is NOT an area of insecurity for Othelloa) his raceb) his class and backgroundc) his military experience | his military experience |
44. “Men should be what they ______.”Complete the ironic quotation from Iago.a) seemb) wantc) believe | seem |
45. Iago warns Othello to beware of something which he describes as “the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”. What is he talking about?a) antibioticsb) toads and frogsc) jealousy | jealousy |
46. Iago reminds Othello that Desdemona also deceived her father. How did she do that?a) by keeping her romance with Othello secretb) by lying to him about her school workc) by stealing the housekeeping money | by keeping her romance with Othello secret |
47. When Desdemona loses her handkerchief who finds it?a) Iagob) Emiliac) Cassio | emilia |
48. According to Iago who is Desdemona’s lover?a) Roderigob) Cassioc) Montano | cassio |
49. Othello is very upset by Iago’s suspicions. What does he want Iago to get before he (Othello) acts?a) a weaponb) a confession from either Cassio or Desdemonac) proof of the affair | a confession from either Cassio |
50. What is slander?a) a drink popular in Cyprusb) a type of lizardc) making a false negative spoken statement about someone | making a false negative spoken statement about someone |
51. What pattern is embroidered on Desdemona’s handkerchief?a) heartsb) rosesc) strawberries | strawberries |
52. Whom does Othello ask Iago to kill?a) Roderigob) Cassioc) Montano | cassio |
53. Who replaces Cassio as Othello’s lieutenant?a) Roderigob) Montanoc) Iago | montano |
54. Why is so special about the handkerchief according to Othello?a) It has magical powers.b) It is infused with healing herbs.c) The embroidery is very intricate. | The embroidery is very intricate. |
55. How does Emilia explain Othello’s unkind and strange behaviour towards Desdemona?a) She thinks it’s a problem to do with a plot being hatched in Cyprus.b) She thinks he’s drunk.c) She thinks he has developed a fanciful notion about Desdemona which is making him jealous. | She thinks he has developed a fanciful notion about Desdemona which is making him jealous. |
56. Who says “Alas the day! I never gave him cause”?a) Cassiob) Iagoc) Desdemona | desdemona |
57. What is Emilia talking about when she says “‘Tis a monster Begot upon itself born on itself?a) jealousyb) bitternessc) disappointment | jealousy |
58. Name Cassio’s mistress.a) Desdemonab) Emiliac) Bianca | Bianca |
59. How did Cassio come into possession of the handkerchief? a) He found it in his room.b) He found it in the garden.c) Iago gave it to him. | he found it in his room |
60. Why does Cassio give the handkerchief to Bianca?a) as a token of his loveb) She has a headcold.c) He wants her to make a copy of it. | He wants her to make a copy of it. |
Act 461. What does the word credulous mean?a) a statement of the beliefs of a religionb) willing to believe or trust too readily without proper evidencec) giving someone the recognition they deserve | willing to believe or trust too readily without proper evidence |
62. When Othello eavesdrops on the conversation of Iago and Cassio whom does he think they are talking about?a) Biancab) Emiliac) Desdemona | Desdemona |
63. When Othello eavesdrops on the conversation of Iago and Cassio who are they really talking about?a) Biancab) Emiliac) Desdemona | Bianca |
64. What important piece of “evidence” (against Desdemona) does Othello see Bianca give to Cassio?a) the handkerchiefb) a letterc) a door key | the handkerchief |
65. Who says the following of Desdemona? “Ay let her rot and perish and be damned tonight for she shall not live. No my heart is turned to stone: I strike it and it hurts my hand. O the world hath not a sweeter creature! She might lie by an emperor’s side and command him tasks”a) Othellob) Cassioc) Lodovico | othello |
66. Complete the quotation. “But yet the _____ of it Iago! O Iago the ____ of it Iago!”a) shameb) pityc) tragedy | pity |
67. What does the word cuckold mean?a) to kill someone as an act of revengeb) an adult male chickenc) a man whose wife has sexual relations with someone else | a man whose wife has sexual relations with someone else |
68. Othello decides to poison his wife. What other method of killing her does Iago suggest instead?a) shoot herb) strangle herc) push her down the stairs | strangle her |
69. What is the main message in the letter from Venice delivered by Lodovico?a) Othello is to return to Veniceb) Cassio is to return to Florencec) Iago is to take over as Governor of Cyprus | othello is to return to Venice |
70. Lodovico is shocked by Othello’s behaviour towards Desdemona. What does Othello do?a) He tells her to “shut up”.b) He tells her to return to her father.c) He strikes her. | He strikes her |
71. Who is to replace Othello when the Moor leaves Cyprus?a) Lodovicob) Cassioc) Iago | Cassio |
72. Who says “Is this the noble Moor whom our full senateCalled all in all sufficient? Is this the natureWhom passion could not shake?”?a) Lodovicob) Roderigoc) Cassio | Lodovico |
73. Othello questions Emilia. About what?a) the handkerchiefb) Desdemona’s meeting with Cassioc) Iago’s plans for when they leave Cyprus | Desdemona’s meeting wth cassio |
74. What is a strumpet?a) an old-fashioned word for a prostituteb) a musical instrumentc) a tune played on a guitar | an old-fashioned word for a prostitute |
75. As Act 4 progresses one character suspects that Desdemona has been slandered. That character is ______________.a) Cassiob) Roderigoc) Emilia | Emilia |
76. When Desdemona appeals to Iago to explain Othello’s accusations how does Iago explain the huge change in Othello?a) Iago says that Othello was always difficult but he hid this before his marriage.b) Iago says that Othello is stressed by business of state.c) Iago says that it is a symptom of a mental illness. | Iago says that Othello is stressed by business of state |
77. How has Iago exploited Roderigo?a) He has used Roderigo’s connections to gain promotion.b) He has used Roderigo to spy on Cassio.c) He has taken Roderigo’s money and done nothing for him. | He has taken Roderigo’s money and done nothing for him |
78. Whom does Iago instruct Roderigo to kill?a) Lodovicob) Othelloc) Cassio | cassio |
79. Name the song that Desdemona sings as she prepares for bed.a) The Faerie Queeneb) Greensleevesc) Willow | willow |
80. What is a shroud?a) a type of mistb) a length of cloth in which a person is wrapped for burialc) a proud person | a length of cloth in which a person is wrapped for burial |
Act 581. Why does Iago want Roderigo dead?a) Iago is jealous of Roderigo.b) He hopes to get Roderigo’s position in Venice.c) He doesn’t want to repay the money Roderigo had paid to him. | He doesn’t want to repay the money Roderigo had paid to him |
82. Who says “O brave Iago honest and just Thou hast such noble sense of they friend’s wrong”?a) Othellob) Roderigoc) Cassio | othello |
83. Who kills Roderigo?a) Cassiob) Iagoc) Bianca | Iago |
84. Which character is wounded by Iago in Act 5 Scene 1?a) Cassiob) Bianca c) Gratiano | cassio |
85. Iago tries to blame another character for the attack on Cassio – “I do suspect this trash to be a party in this injury”. Which character does he consider to be “trash”?a) Gratianob) Roderigoc) Bianca | gratiano |
86. Which of the female characters is NOT referred to as a “strumpet” in Act 5 Scene 1?a) Emiliab) Desdemonac) Bianca | emilia |
87. Why does Othello ask Desdemona if she has confessed her sins?a) He doesn’t want her soul to be forever damned to Hell.b) He wants to hear about her and Cassio from her own lips.c) It’s a religious holiday the next day. | He doesn’t want her soul to be forever damned to Hell |
88. How does Othello kill Desdemona?a) He poisons her.b) He stabs her.c) He smothers her. | He smothers her |
89. Complete the quotation “My wife! My wife! What wife! I have no wife.O insupportable! O heavy hour!Methinks it should be now a huge ________ Of sun and moon and that the affrighted ______Should yawn at alteration.a) meeting Earth b) eclipse globec) eclipse Earth | eclipse, globe |
90. Emilia asks Desdemona who “hath done this deed?” Whom does Desdemona say is responsible for her death?a) Othellob) Iagoc) herself (Desdemona) | Herself |
91. Fill in the blanks to complete the quotation “O the more _______ sheAnd you the ________ devil”a) angel blackerb) true cowardlyc) saint hateful | angel, blacker |
92. “He lies to the heart!” Who is the first to reveal Iago’s villainy with these words?a) Roderigob) Emiliac) Lodovico | emilia |
93. What has happened to Desdemona’s father?a) He died of heartbreak because of her elopement.b) He was lost at sea travelling to Cyprus.c) He has been imprisioned for conspiracy to murder Othello. | He died of heartbreak because of her elopement |
94. Complete the quotation “Iago knows that she with ________ hath the act of shame a __________ times committed”.a) Cassio thousandb) Othello thousandc) Cassio hundred | cassio, thousand |
95. According to Emilia who begged her to steal the handkerchief?a) Biancab) Cassioc) Iago | iago |
96. Who kills Emilia?a) Biancab) Cassioc) Iago | iago |
97. When Iago returns as a prisoner why does Othello look towards Iago’s feet?a) To see if there is blood on his shoes.b) To see if he has been chained by his captors.c) To see if he has the cloven feet of the devil. | to see if he has the cloven feet of the devil |
98. Whose letters offer extra proof of Iago’s villainy?a) Lodovico’sb) Roderigo’sc) Montano’s | roderigo’s |
99. Who says “O thou Othello thou wert once so goodFallen into the practice of a damned slave”?a) Lodovicob) Cassioc) Gratiano | lodovico |
100. Who is Othello talking about when he says “Then must you speakOf one that loved not wisely but too well”?a) Emiliab) Cassioc) himself (Othello) | himself |
Othello By Willam Shakespeare Quiz
August 3, 2019