Othello Act 5 Scene 2

She wakes Who’s there? Othello?
Ay Desdemona Will you come to bed my lord.
Have you prayed tonight Desdemona? Ay my lord.
If you bethink yourself of any crime solicit for it straight Alas my lord what do you mean by that
Well do it and be brief I would not kill thy unprepared spirit. No heaven forfend ! I would not kill thy soul. Talk you of killing?
Ay I do Then heaven have mercy on me
Amen with all my heart If you say so I hope you will not kill me. And yet I fear you when your eyes roll so: Why I should fear I know not for guiltiness i know not; but yet I feel I fear.
Think on thy sins they are loves I bear to thee
Ay and for that thou diest. That deaths unnatural that kills for loving. Alas, why knaw you so your nether lip? Some bloody passion shakes your very frame: These are portents but yet I hope, I hope They do not point on me.
Peace and be still I will. So whats the matter?
They handkerchief which I so loved and gave thee. Thou gavest to Cassio. No! By my life and soul! Send for the man and ask him.
Sweet soul take heed of perjury, thou art on thy deathbed Ay but not yet to die
Yes presently Therefore confess thee freely of thy sin; Thou art to die Then lord have mercy on me!
I say amen And have you mercy too! I never did offend you in my life, never loved cassia.But with such general warranty of heaven as I might love, I never gave him token
By heaven; I saw my handkerchief in his hand. I saw the handkerchief. He found it then. I never gave it him. Send for him hither, let him confess a truth.
He hath confess’d What my lord?
That he hath used thee How? Unlawfully?
Ay He will not say so
No his mouth is stopped. Honest Iago hath taken order for it Oh my fear interprets: What is he dead?
Had all his hairs been lives, my great revenge had stomach for them all Alas! He is betrayed and I am undone.
Out strumpet! weepiest thou for him to my face? O banish me lord but kill me not
Down strumpet. Kill me to-morrow: let me live tonight
Nay if you strive but half an hour
Being done there is no pause But while i say one prayer.