A5. What is Iago’s plan for Cassio? | to have Roderigo kill Cassio in the street |
A5. For what two reasons does he say he wants Cassio dead? | to fulfill his plans and get him out of the way |
A5. Iago also feels he will benefit if it happens that Cassio kills Roderigo. How can he benefit from that? | T=then he wont have to deal with Roderigo’s persistance for the money |
A5. What saves Cassio? | the jacket he was wearing, including the guards |
A5. Why does Roderigo say to Iago, “O damn’d Iago! O inhuman dog!”? | because Iago betrayed Roderigo and stabbed him |
A5. Why is it necessary for Grantiano and Lodovico to be present at all times | if they weren’t there Iago would have easily killed Cassio |
A5. What is the meaning of Iago’s aside at the end of the scene | tonight’s deeds will make his fortune or doom |
A5. From his soliloquy that opens scene 2, what would you say is Othello’s mood? | he is much calmer about the situation, but still unsure about everything |
A5. Why does Othello say, “No; heaven forfend! I would not kill thy soul.”? | he wants Desdemona to make peace with heaven for her sins before he kills her |
A5. As Desdemona tries to convince Othello that she is innocent of what he accuses her, she breaks down and weeps at what news? | she finds out Cassio is dead |
A5. How does Othello interpret her weeping | he thinks she is weeping for the dead Cassio |
A5.Before she dies, Desdemona tells Emilia that she has killed herself. Why do you think she does not say that it was Othello who killed her? | she is trying to protect him from punishment |
A5. Why does Emilia repeat the phrase, “My husband!” three times | she cant believe that her husband would say Desdmemona was unfaithful |
A5. At this point, why does Othello draw his sword on Emilia | she insults Othello by saying Desdemona’s marriage to Othello was her biggest mistake |
A5. Bravely, because Othello might easily kill her at this point and because her own life may be at risk, Emilia defies Othello. Why? | she loves and remains loyal to Desdemona |
A5. Iago tells Emilia to go home, but she refuses. Why is he telling her to leave, and why does she refuse? | sago knows that she will tell the truth of what happened, and she wants to prove to Othello that killing Desdemona was for no reason |
A5. After Emilia dies, Othello gets another sword. He tells Gratiano, who is guarding him, that Gratiano does not have to worry about Othello trying to escape. Why not? | othello plans to kill himself |
A.5 Othello admits to planning Cassio’s murder with Iago. Cassio is shocked to hear this, since he has done nothing to wrong Othello. What is Othello’s response? | othello believes Cassio and demand that Iago explain why he committed these deeds |
A5. What is Othello’s request of Lodovico? | he wants him to describe Othello as “one that loved, but not well” |
A5. Othello kills himself, and Lodovico and Gratiano prepare to return to Venice. What will be the future for Cassio and Iago | cassio will be the governor of Cyprus, and Iago is condemned to be tortured to death |
soliloquy | when a character gives a speech when no one else is on stage |
aside | a comment made by a character on the side or under their breath |
Othello Act 5
July 20, 2019