What does Roderigo accuse Iago of doing in the opening lines of the play? | He’s accusing Iago of keeping the appointment of Cassio as lieutenant to himself. |
What reasons does Iago give Roderigo for his dislike of the Moor? | He dislikes Othello because he didn’t listen to the other noblemen to make Iago lieutenant and instead chose Cassio who doesn’t know as much about fighting as Iago does. |
Why is Iago critical of Cassio and his appointment as lieutenant? | He says he knows little things about fighting compared to Iago and he doesn’t have experience in commanding men. |
According to Iago, there are two groups of people when it comes to obeying orders. Describe both groups. To which group does Iago belong? | There’s the person that dedicates them self to their master and has no life outside their job. Then there’s the people who listen to their masters, but look out for themselves as well and save up money to become wealthy for themselves. Iago is the second characteristic. |
What does Brabantio call Iago? Why? | He calls him a villain because he has come to his home and caused a ruckus. |
What does Roderigo reveal about the Moor and Brabantio’s daughter? | He reveals that Othello is having sex with Brabantio’s daughter. |
Why does Iago leave when Brabantio is preparing to descend? Why might his appearance be “[un]wholesome to [his] place”? | He leaves so that Othello doesn’t see him. This event won’t get Othello fired immediately and Iago doesn’t want to blow his cover that he was a part of snitching on him. |
What are Iago’s and Roderigo’s motives for telling Brabatio about relationship between the Moor and his daughter? | They’re hoping to get Othello fired so that a higher position will open for Iago. |
The theme of appearance versus reality is important throughout the play. Write five quotations that could be used to describe this theme. | “When my outward action doth demonstrate. The native act and figure of my heart. In complement extern, tis not long after. But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve. For daws to peck at. I am not what I am.””I am not what I am.” |
Othello, the title and main character of the play, is talked about in this scene, yet his appearance is postponed until scene 2. Why do you think Shakespeare does this? | Shakespeare does not have Othello make an appearance until the second scene to show his place in the story and what the other characters think about him. |
Othello Act 1, Scene 1
July 12, 2019