
What pattern is embroidered on the handkerchief? strawberries
How is the Turkish fleet thwarted? by a storm
What rank does Cassio hold before Othello strips it from him? Lieutenant
How old is Iago? 28
What is Barbanzio’s position in Venice? Constable
Where does Iago tell Roderigo that Othello and Desdemona are sailing to from Cyprus? Mauritania
Who made the handkerchief that Othello inherited from his mother? a female prophet
What first attracted Desdemona to Othello? the stories he told about his past
What rank does Iago hold? Ensign
From whom did Desdemona first hear the “song of ‘Willow'”? Her mothers maid, Barbary
Which epithets is most commonly applied to Iago throughout the play? honest
Whose death does Graziano report in the final scene? Barbanzio
Which of Cassio’s weaknesses does Iago exploit? low alcohol tolerance
Whom does Iago refer to as the true general? Desdemona
How does Othello kill Desdemona? He smothers her
What, according to Iago, is the “green-eyed monster”? Jealousy
Whom does Cassio wound in the drunken brawl of Act II, scene iii? Montano
With whom does Cassio dine the night he is stabbed? Bianca
What is Othello holding as he stands over the sleeping Desdemona? a light
Who is the first character to refer to Othello by name? the duke
According to Lodovico’s letter, who is to replace Othello as governor of Cyprus? Cassio
On the night of her death, what does Desdemona ask Emilia to do? Put desdemona’s wedding sheets on the bed
What does Iago counsel Roderigo to do? “Put money in thy purse”
How does Othello die? by stabbing himself
How long has Othello been in Venice prior to his marriage? 9 months
What does Brabantio do when he finds out about Desdemona’s marriage? Accuses Othello of witchcraft and disowns Desdemona
Which major character remains alive at the end of the play? Cassio
Who says the following: “O beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on. The cuckold lives in bliss who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger; but O, what damned minutes tells he o’er who dotes, yet doubts – suspects, yet strongly loves!” Iago
Who says the following: “Nothing extenuate, not set down aught in malice. Then must you speak of one that loved not wisely, but too well.” Othello