Midsummer Night Dream- Titania lines

Scene 2 Titania: Come, sit thee down upon this flowery bed, while I thy amiable cheeks do coy, and stick musk-roses in thy sleek smooth head, and kiss thy far large ears, my gentle joy.
Bottom: I must to the barber’s, monsieur; for methinks I am marvelous hairy about the face; and I am such a tender ass, if my hair do tickle me, I must scratch. Titania: What, wilt thou hear some music, my sweet love?
Bottom: I have reasonable good ear in music: let’s have the tongs and bones. I have an exposition of sleep come upon me. Titania: Sleep thou, and I will wind thee in my arms. Fairies, be gone,, and be all ways away. O, how I love thee! How I dote on thee!
Oberon: Welcome, good Robin. See’s thou this sweet sight? How dotage no I do begin to pity: I will undo this hateful imperfection of her eyes: and, gentle puck, take this transformed scalp from off the head of this Athenian swain; that he, awaking when the other do, may all to the Athens back again repair, and think no more of this night’s accidents, but as the fierce vexation of a dream. But first I will release the fairy queen. Be as thou wast won’t be; see as thou wast won’t see: now my Titania: wake you, my sweet queen. Titania: My Oberon! What visions have I seen! Methought I was enamour’d of an ass.
Oberon: There lies your love. Titania: How came these things to pass? O, how mine eyes do loathe his visage now!
Oberon: Silence While. –Robin take off his head.– Titania, music call; and strike more dead than common sleep off all these five the sense. Titania: Music, ho! Music, such as charmeth sleep.
Puck: Now, when thou wakest, with thine own fool’s eyes peep. Titania: Come, my lord; and in our flight, tell me how I came to sleep this night that I sleeping here was found with these mortals on the ground.