Antonio | a merchant of venice |
Gratiano | Nerissa’s husband |
Bassanio | young gentleman who wins Portia’s hand |
Portia | rich heiress of Belmont |
Nerissa | Portia’s maid |
Shylock | Jewish money lender |
Jessica | Shylock’s daughter |
Launcelot Gobbo | servant of Shylock, then Antonio |
Lorenzo | Christian gentleman who elopes with Jewish girl |
Prince of Morocco | unsuccessful suitor to Portia |
What casket did the Prince of Morrocco choose? | Gold |
What casket did the Pronce of Aragon choose? | Silver |
True or FalseAntonio was well liked and respected in Venice | True |
True or FalseShylock hated Antonio because Antion treated him so badly on the Rialto | True |
True or FalseAntonio hated Shylock because Shylock lended out money without interest | False |
True or False It deeply grieved Jessica to hurt her fatehr by eloping with a Christian | False |
True or FalseThe money Jessica took when she eloped was money set aside as her dowry | False |
True or FalsePortia despises the terms of her father’s will, but she remains obediant to his wishes | True |
True or FalseAll of Antonio’s ships were reported sacked by pirates | False |
True or FalseShylock refuses all offers of money and demands the court award him the terms of the bond | True |
True or FalseShylock brought scales and a surgeon with him to court | False |
True or FalseThe court decreed that Shylock must foreit half his wealth to the state and half to Antonio for his use | True |
Where does the opening scene take place? | Venice |
Where is Antonio’s money tied up? | commercial ventures at sea |
What is Portia’s attitude toward her mate being chosen by the outcome of the lottery? | Resentment |
Why did Shylock hate Antonio most? | he is a christian |
Who does Jessica plan to elope with? | Lorenzo |
What does Jessica take with her when she elopes? | Her fathers ducats and jewels |
The Prince of Aragon is… | greedy |
What is the only way that Bassanio pledges he will part with the ring? | death |
What is the only thing that Shylock values more that money? | revenge on Antonio |
Why does Portia tell Lorenzo to manage her home? So she can… | meditate |
What does the Duke appeal to with Shylock in the opening of the trial? | sense of mercy |
Who does Portia come to to court in place of? | Doctor Bellario |
What does the young lawyer ask Bassanio for? | his ring |
Act V closes the play witgh a note of… | Harmony |
Whose philosophy is “Justice should be tempered with mercy?” | Portia |
Whose philosophy is “Power and courage should bring a man rewards?” | Prince of Morocco |
Whose philosophy is “A man should accept whatever role fate assigns him to play?” | Antonio |
Whose philosophy is “Repay evil with evil?” | Shylock |
Whose philosophy is “One should not be led astray by outward show?” | Bassanio |
Merchant of Venice test
July 18, 2019