in the opening scene, what do Antonio’s friends assume he is worried about? | Antonio’s friends assume his depression stems from worry about his merchant ships |
what is actually troubling Antonio? | he seems to have a presentiment and says he is simply depressed |
what does Gratiano mean when he says “but… gudgeon”? | don’t act melancholy just to seem wise |
why does Bassanio need money? | he want to clear his debts so he can marry Portia |
why doesn’t Antonio just give his friend the money? | his wealth is all tied up in his ships |
why doesn’t Portia feel she can simply choose the man she wishes to marry? | her father devised a “test” that her suitors must pass |
how is the choice among Portia’s suitors to be made? | suitors must choose among three chests- gold, silver, and lead; the one who chooses the correct one can ask for Portia’s hand |
what does Portia have against the Neapolitan prince? | all he talks about is his horse |
what does Portia have against Count Palantine? | he’s grumpy |
what does Portia have against Monsieur le Bon? | he has the combined faults of many men; he frowns, talks about his horses, prances |
what does Portia have against Falconbridge? | he can’t converse with her as he neither speaks Italian nor French |
what does Portia have against the Scottish lord? | he’s in hella debt |
what does Portia have against the young German? | she likes him neither when he is drunk nor sober |
which suitor does Nerissa feel best deserves her lady? | Bassanio |
how can you tell that Portia does not like the Prince of Morocco? | she says he has the “complexion of a devil” and she would rather give her confession to him than marry him |
how much does Bassanio borrow from Shylock? | 3 000 ducats for three months |
what are the conditions of Shylock’s loan? | Antonio signs for the loan; if the loan is forfeited, Antonio gives Shylock a pound of flesh |
what does Shylock mean when he says “Antonio is a good man”? | Antonio is a good business risk |
what is Shylock’s response to Bassanio’s dinner invitation? | he will do business with Bassanio, but he won’t eat or drink with him |
why does Shylock bring up Jacob and the sheep? | he’s responding to Antonio’s comment that Antonio doesn’t customarily get engaged in moneylending for interest. Shylock points out that the biblical Jacob engaged in interest, of sorts, by figuring out a way to work a contract he had signed with his uncle, Laban, to his own advantage. he made sure that most of the lambs turned out to be streaked- and hence, went to him. |
how has Antonio mistreated Shylock in the past- and why? | Antonio has spat on Shylock and denounced his race bc Shylock charged high interests on his loans |
does Antonio promise to treat Shylock better in return for the loan? | no, Antonio says he is just as likely to treat Shylock that way again; Shylock should considerthe loan as one to an enemy, not a friend. |
does Bassanio encourage Antonio to seal the bond with Shylock? | no, Bassanio protests against the “pound of flesh” clause and urges his friend not to seal such a bond |
why does Antonio say, “the Hebrew will turn Christian”? | Shylock has agreed to help Bassanio; Antonio is saying that maybe Shylock isn’t so bad after all |
where is Act II, scene I set? | Belmont, Portia’s estate |
why does the Prince of Morocco offer to show Portia his blood? | so he can prove his blood is redder than the lighter-skinned suitors and so he is worthier of her |
what test did Portia’s late father devise for her suitors? | suitors must choose the correct coffer from among three inscribed chests-one gold, one silver, and one lead |
what dilemma does Launcelot face? | he’s deciding whether or not to leave his master, Shylock |
what does Launcelot’s conscience tell him to do? | his conscience tells him not to run off |
why doesn’t Launcelot’s father recognize him? | Gobbo is old and blind |
what lie does Launcelot tell his father, at first? | Launcelot pretends to be someone else and speculates that Launcelot may be dead |
what reason does Launcelot give for deciding to leave Shylock? | he says he is growing hungry and thin in Shylock’s service |
what present has Gobbo brought for Shylock? | he’s brought a dish of doves |
why does Gratiano want to accompany Antonio to Belmont? | he is in love with Nerissa, Portia’s handmaid |
how does Jessica react to Launcelot’s news that he is leaving? | she is sorry and says she will miss his good humor |
what does Jessica give to Launcelot? | a letter for Lorenzo |
what does Jessica plan to do after she leaves her father? | marry Lorenzo |
What does Jessica mean when she says “…though I am a daughter to his blood, I am not to his manners”? | she is Shylock’s daughter and a Jew by blood, but she is renouncing her Jewishness in favor of Christianity |
what invitation is Launcelot delivering to Shylock? | Shylock is invited to dine at Bassanio’s |
why does Lorenzo give Launcelot money? | he’s paying Launcelot for delivering the letter from Jessica |
whom does Lorenzo arrange to meet at Gratiano’s lodging? | Lorenzo arranges to meet Gratiano, Salerio, and Solanio at Gratiano’s |
what does Lorenzo reveal about the contents of Jessica’s letter? | in it she directs how he is to come get her and what she will take from her father’s |
where is Shylock going? | Shylock is going to dinner at Bassanio’s |
according to Shylock, why has he accepted the invitation? | he goes to feed his hatred and to get revenge |
what does Shylock say to Launcelot about his new employee? | he says Launcelot shall not have it as easy as he had as Shylock’s servant |
why does Launcelot say, “your worship was wont to tell me I could do nothing without bidding”? | Launcelot is responding to Shylock’s command that he not call out for Jessica; Launcelot is complaining that Shylock expected to do only as he was told |
what instructions does Shylock give Jessica? | to lock up the house and not to look at the Christian masquers when they pass by in the street |
what is Jessica planning to do? | she is planning to disappear among the masquers when Lorenzo and the others come for her |
who are Gratiano and Salerio waiting for? | Lorenzo |
how is Jessica disguised- and why? | she is disguised as a pageboy to hide her elopement |
what do Gratiano and Antonio talk about? | Antonio has come to tell Gratiano to hurry up bc the ships are about to set sail |
why does Portia show the Prince of Morocco the three caskets? | he’s supposed to try to pick the correct one before asking for her hand in marriage |
what is the inscription on the gold casket? | “who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire” |
what is the inscription on the silver casket? | “who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves” |
what is the inscription on the lead casket? | “who chooseth must give and hazard all he hath” |
why does the Prince of Morocco choose the gold casket? | he humbly admits that while he may not deserve Portia, and while he wouldn’t take unnecessary risks for personal gain, he certainly desires her |
what does Morocco find in the gold casket? | a scroll saying that not all that glitters is gold |
why did Shylock have Bassanio’s ship searched? | Shylock has learned of Jessica’s flight and is looking for her |
why has Bassanio gone away on the ship? | he and Gratiano are on their way to Belmont |
why are Solanio and Salerio planning to visit Antonio? | they want to tell him what they’ve heard about the loss of a ship, in case it’s his |
what do the suitors have to promise before they take the “test”? | they have to promise that they’ll leave immediately and pursue Portia no longer if they fail |
which casket does the prince of Aragon choose- and why? | he chooses the silver one bc he’s arrogant and assumes he deserves Portia |
what news does the messenger bring? | Bassanio has arrived |
what bad news does Salerio bring? | the ship wrecked was Antonio’s :/ |
how does Shylock react to his daughter’s departure? | he is in a rage about her departure and theft of his money and jewels |
what does Shylock mean by “let him look to his bond”? | he expects Antonio to meet the terms of the bond- to give up a pound of flesh, now that his ships are lost |
why does Shylock ask, “hath not a Jew eyes?” | this is Shylock’s response to Salerio’s statements that surely Shylock would not actually take Antonio’s flesh. Shylock is saying that he is as human as any Christian; he has been wronged by a Christian and deserves revenge. |
what has Tubal been doing? | he’s been out looking for Jessica |
what has Jessica stolen from her father? | she has taken jewels from him- including a ring that had been Leah’s |
for what purpose does Shylock arrange to meet Tubal at the synagogue? | presumably Shylock wants to plan his revenge on Antonio |
why does Portia suggest that Bassanio wait a day or two before choosing among the caskets? | she wants to enjoy him and put off the moment when she might lose him |
why does Portia give the order for music to be played? | if Bassanio makes the wrong choice, Portia suggests it would be better to make a dramatic, swan-like end to music |
basically, what is the song about? | why do ppl fall in love? |
why doesn’t Bassanio choose the gold casket? | he argues that evil and cowardice are often gilded as goodness |
why does Bassanio choose the lead casket and what does he find inside? | he chooses lead bc it is the least showy and contains no inscription with false promise- but holds a threat, instead. inside he finds a picture of Portia |
according to Portia, what will happen if he loses the ring? | such a loss would foresee the end of her love; she would cry out against him |
why was Gratiano so eager for Bassanio to pick the right casket? | this gives him easier access to the woman he loves- Nerissa |
when Lorenzo shows up with Jessica, what does Gratiano call her? | Gratiano teasingly calls her an infidel |
what is in the letter Salerio brings Bassanio? | the letter contains news of Antonio’s losses |
how does Portia react to the news about Antonio’s loss? | she offers to repay the debt two or three times over |
what does Jessica tell the others about her father? | from what she has heard, he will settle for nothing less than revenge; he will be hard on Antonio |
why does Portia tell Bassanio to “be gone”? | she tells him she wants him to take care of this messy business with Shylock so that they can relax and enjoy each other |
according to Antonio, why does Shylock refuse to show him mercy? | he knows that Shylock wants revenge for all the times Antonio took away business by giving interest-free loans |
why doesn’t Antonio think the Duke will be able to help him? | he thinks a decision in his favor would compromise Venice’s reputation for justice |
why is Portia sure that Antonio is worth helping? | he is Bassanio’s friend and must be a good man like Bassanio |
What does Portia want Lorenzo to do while she is gone? | she tells him to take care of the house until Bassanio returns |
what does Portia tell Lorenzo she and Nerissa will be doing? | they will be living in prayer |
who is Doctor Bellario? | Portia’s “cousin”- a lawyer |
what instructions does Portia give Balthasar? | she tells him to bring to the ferry whatever papers and garments Bellario gives him for her |
what does Portia tell Nerissa about her plan? | she tells her handmaid that they will turn themselves into men |
why does Launcelot think that Nerissa is doomed? | he reminds her that, according to the Bible, the sins of the fathers are visited on their children |
how does Nerissa think her husband will “save” her? | she will be saved by converting to his faith- Christianity |
who is the father of “the Moor’s” unborn baby? | apparently Launcelot |
what does Lorenzo want to talk about over dinner? | he wants to listen to Jessica praise him |
what is the Duke’s opinion of Shylock? | the Duke considers Shylock an “inhuman wretch” |
what does the Duke mean when he tells Shylock “we all expect a gentle answer”? | he is encouraging Shylock to give a gentlemanly response |
what offer does Shylock turn down? | the Duke’s suggestion that he forgive a portion of the loan |
why does Shylock mention pigs, cats, and bagpipes? | he’s explaining that he’s choosing the flesh over money bc he wants to and compares his dislike of Antonio to many people’s apparently groundless dislike of other things: they just don’t happen to like these things |
who are Nerissa and Portia pretending to be? | a lawyer and clerk of the court |
who calls Shylock “harsh Jew” and “inexecrable dog”? | Gratiano |
why does Portia talk about money? | she’s making a plea for Shylock to show mercy- before he starts playing hardball |
why doesn’t Shylock have a doctor standing by? | he says it wasn’t specified in the bond and probably hopes that Antonio will die |
does Antonio seem prepared to die or is he putting up a fight? | he resigns himself quickly to his fate |
what do both Bassanio and Gratiano say they would give up to protect Antonio? | their wives |
how does Portia save Antonio? | she points out it is illegal for a Jew to conspire against the life of a citizen; also the bond says nothing about spilling blood |
what does Shylock lose as a result of the ruling? | he must convert to Christianity and half of his money goes to the state- the other half goes to Lorenzo and Jessica on Shylock’s death |
how does the Duke show some mercy to Shylock? | the Duke spares Shylock’s life |
what two requirements does Antonio add to Shylock’s punishment? | the conversion and inheritance are Antonio’s ideas |
what payment does (disguised) Portia request? | Bassanio’s ring |
what is the deed Portia tells Nerissa to have Shylock sign? | the deed of gift for Lorenzo and Jessica |
how does Gratiano lose his ring? | the disguised Nerissa demands it in payment |
what news do the messenger and Launcelot bring? | the messenger announces that Portia will be at Belmont by daybreak and Launcelot announces that Bassanio will be back by morning |
what do Portia and Nerissa hear, upon their return home? | music |
what order do Portia have Nerissa give the servants? | to say nothing about her absence |
why do Nerissa and Gratiano start quarreling? | bc of the missing ring |
how do Gratiano and Bassanio explain the loss of their rings? | they explain what they consider the truth- the lawyer and the clerk demanded the rings as payment |
how do the two men get their rings back? | Portia and Nerissa produce the rings, teasing about the “men” they bedded, from whom they retrieved the rings |
what additional good news does Portia have for Antonio? | three of his ships have returned safely |
what is the “manna” that Portia gives to Lorenzo and Nerissa? | the deed entitling them to Shylock’s property |
Merchant of Venice study questions
July 20, 2019