minion | (n) a servant of a powerful person |
deign | (v trans) to condescend to accept |
thither | (adv) toward that place or point |
corporal | (adj) of the body |
thane | (n) a person who holds lands of the king |
surmise | (n) a thought that something is possible |
cleave | (verb trans.) to adhere or cling to |
interim | (n) an intervening time |
recompense | (verb trans.) to repay |
wanton | (adj) extravagant, luxurious |
harbinger | (n) a person who goes ahead to makeknown the approach of another |
chastise | (verb trans.) to criticize severely |
metaphysical | (adj) imaginary or fanciful |
compunctious | (adj) causing or feeling regret |
beguile | (verb trans.) to influence by trickery |
sovereign | (n) a king or queen |
purveyor | (n) a person who supplies or provides |
Macbeth Vocabulary (act 1)
July 25, 2019