Macbeth timeline

Act 1, scene 1 -Witches-witches speak about when they will next meet, and how they’ll be meeting w/Macbeth
Act 1, scene 2 -King Duncan, Malcolm, Captain, Ross, Angus, Lennox, -Macbeth defeats traitorous Macdonwald and Norwegian forces in battle-Captain tells King of bravery of Macbeth/Banquo, wounded
Act 1, scene 3 -witches, Macbeth, Banquo, Ross, Angus-witches talk of killing pigs and planning revenge on a sailor who’s wife refused to share her chestnuts-meet Macbeth/Banquo (who are disgusted by inhumane creatures) on way to king’s feast and call Mac Thane of Glamis and Cawdor/future king, confusing him-tell Banquo he’ll provide a line of kings, though not one himself-refuse to answer their confusion/?’s and vanish-Ross and Angus show up, and Ross tells Mac he’s now Thane of Cawdor b/c old one was a traitor & will be executed-Mac asks Banquo if he thinks/wants to have a line of kings now/if he trusts prophecy, and Banquo replies saying he still feels a little iffy/shady about the witches, who could be devils telling them truths just to destroy them later.-Mac wonders if he’ll become king too now, and whether it will be fate or he’ll have to kill someone/force his way into it
Act 1, scene 4 -King, Malcolm, Macbeth, (Ross&Angus-don’t speak), Banquo-King hears from Malcolm that Thane of Cawdor willingly confessed and was executed. -Mac/banquo/entourage show up and are praised by Duncan for their achievements in the battle (they reward him back); names Mac as Thane of Cawdor-Duncan announces Malcolm ascent to throne, Mac happy on outside furious on inside b/c no lies in b/t his path to become king–> goes to castle to discuss it w/Lady Mac.
Act 1, scene 5 -Lady Macbeth, Messenger, Macbeth-Lady Mac gets Mac’s letter and wants to temporarily become a man so she can perform the bloody deeds needed for Mac to become King, b/c she thinks Mac’s too cowardly. -A messenger tells them King’s com in’, Mac comes and he is convinced by Lady to kill Duncan in the middle of the night
Act 1, scene 6 -King, Lady Mac-King arrives to Irvenness and is greeted by Lady Mac; they exchange ‘thank yous’-King asks to talk to Mac
Act 1, scene 7 -Hautboys, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, -Macbeth doesn’t think it’s a good idea to kill Duncan, unless he can get away w/few consequences-realizes there’s no reason to kill him, other than his own ambition-she is furious he’s chickening out and calls him a coward that’s not manly; she tells him plan to make chamberlains drunk, stab duncan, smear blood, etc. -he finally agrees to proceed w/murder
Act 2, scene 1 -Banquo, Fleance, Macbeth-Mac meets Banquo/Fleance and Banquo tells Mac Duncan went to bed, can’t sleep b/c having creepy dreams-Mac sees vision of bloody dagger, which he decides is envision of his murder of king. -hears bell=queue from Lady, and proceeds to room
Act 2, scene 2 -Macbeth does the killing, Lady Macbeth at first worried he’s gonna fail-she yells at him from not leaving daggers, cleaner hands
Act 2, scene 3 -Porter, Macduff, Lennox, Macbeth, Banquo, Malcolm, Donalbain, -drunk porter receives knocks from gates, where Macduff and Lennox enter-Macduff asks to see king, who told him to come early that day-Macduff finds king dead and runs back horrified by the event, mad, Macbeth kills the chamberlains -Lady Mac faints at sight of scene-Malcolm and Donalbain decided to leave to prevent their destruction in near future (M-Eng, Don-Ireland)
Act 2, scene 4 -Old man, Ross, Macduff, -Ross and Old Man discuss the weird occurrences in the past couple days-Macduff getting suspicious of attacks; thinks it could be Malcolm and Donalbain who bribed the murderers, since they fled.
Act 3, scene 1 -Banquo, Macbeth, Lady Mac, attendant, Murderers-Banquo soliloquy: if all this is coming true for Mac, will it be true for me too? -Macbeth tells Banquo he wants him at the feast tonight, Banquo says “ok if i don’t become a borrower of the night”-Macbeth soliloquy: plots to kill Banquo and his son, so i’ve done so much for ban quo and now this?-Mac gets 2 murderers who are brainwashed into thinking their whole life sucks b/c of Banquo–they agree to do it
Act 3, scene 2 -Lady Mac calls in Mac and they both talk about how they feel uneasy and discontented (emotional intersection of the play)-they display neilism and Mac tells Lady there’s a surprise tonight as to what will happen to Banquo, he helps her off stage
Act 3, scene 3 -Ross joins the band of murderers-Banquo and Fleance are coming from the darkness into the light-Banquo says it will rain and then they attack him-Banquo is killed and Fleance escapes
Act 3, scene 4 -Mac at feast and heres news from 1st murderer-he’s called to do the toast by Lady, and when he goes to sit down he sees the ghost of Banquo and freaks out-Lady tells everyone to calm down, that he’s just having a little fit-ghost vanishes and reappears-they argue “are you a man?”-lady embarrassed and has everyone leave-notices Macduff isn’t there and gets suspiciousEMOTIONAL CLIMAX OF STORY
Act 3, scene 5 -skipping it b/c it’s apocryphal, gets us nowhere
Act 3, scene 6 -Lennox, lord, -Lennox soliloquy: sarcastically, notice how kids will oil their fathers and flee? notice how Mac pitied them but they were dead?….-learn that Macduff has gone to England to tell Malcolm whats going on and wants to stir up ppl/King to send troops to Scotland to topple Macbeth
Act 4, scene 1 -witches, Hecate, macbeth, apparitions, etc., Lennox-Macbeth learns the apparitions…:1) beware Macduff, thane of Fife2)none born of women shall harm Mac, be bold3)Mac will never be conquered until Great Birnam Wood forest comes against Dunsinane Hill-Mac: ok, easy…but not satisfied4)Shows ghosts of Banquo and line of kings he will foster-they vanish, and Lennox comes in, telling him Macduff went to England, decides to go attack Macduff’s Kingdom & family line
Act 4, scene 2 -Lady Mac, Ross, son, messenger, murderer-Lady Macd and Ross argue, unnatural, argues about father w/son-messenger warns them to go, but too late, murderers barge in and kill son while mom runs away
Act 4, scene 3 -In england, macduff and malcolm talk about their plans; Malcolm tests Macduff to make sure he’s not a traitor by making up all this stuff about how he’d be even worse than Macbeth-Macduff is welcomed by Malcolm’s agreement to attack Macbeth but unwelcome by the fact that Malcolm now knows some iffy stuff about him-Ross tells them what happened to Macduff’s fam
Act 5, scene 1 -Lady Mac, doctor, gentlewoman-Lady is sleepwalking trying to get blood off of her hands-she confesses murders, and doctor/woman hear them
Act 5, scene 2 -Menteith, Angus, Caithness, LennoxMacbeth’s men are abandoning him- everyone is escapingMen meeting in Birnam Wood (3rd apparition)Donaldbain will not be in attendance”I have a file of all the gentry: there is Siward’s son and many unrough youths that even now protest their first of manhood.”- Lennox, they are just boys! they have no beards (facial hair motif); to put to a test their manhood by fighting
Act 5, scene 3 -Macbeth, Servant, Seyton, Doc, -Then fly, false thanes, and mingle with the English epicures.” Epicures- delight in the finest; live a privileged life- Macbeth mocks the prissy Englishmen-“My way of life is fall’n into the sear, the yellow leaf, and that which should accompany old age, as honor, love, obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have; but, in their stead, curest not loud but deep, mouth-honor, breath, which the poor heart would fain deny, and dare not.”- Macbeth, no matter how long I live, I will never have these attributes-“I’ll fight, till from my bones my flesh be hacked. Give me my armor.”- Macbeth-“Not so sick, my lord, as she is troubled with thick-coming fancies that keep her from her rest.”- Doctor, Macbeth has also murdered LM’s sleep
Act 5, scene 4 -Malcolm, mentieth, Siward, Soldiers, Macduff-The men plotting to overthrow Macbeth cut down Birnam wood to make camouflage-“Let every soldier hew him down a bough and bear ‘t before him. Thereby shall we shadow the numbers of our host, and make discovery err in report of us.”- Malcolm-“But certain issue strokes must arbitrate: Towards which advance the war.”- Siward, some things need to be resolved by swords and do not need to be thought out
Act 5, scene 5