Macbeth Test- Acts I-III

Who said, “fair is foul and foul is fair?” The 3 witches
Who said, “Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t” Lady Macbeth
Who said, “O never shall sun that morrow see?” Lady Macbeth
Who said, “The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o’erleap?” Macbeth
Who said, “Make thick my blood, Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse” Lady Macbeth
Who said, “My hands are of your colour; but I shame To wear a heart so white” Lady Macbeth
Who said, “is this a dagger which I see before me” Macbeth
Who said, “the worm that’s fled Hath nature that in time will venom breed, No teeth for th’ present” Macbeth
Who said, “O, treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly” Banquo
Who said, “Gentle my lord, sleek o’er your rugged looks; Be bright and jovial among your guests tonight?” Lady Macbeth
Who said, “We are yet but young in deed?” Macbeth
What is the main theme of Act I of The Tragedy of Macbeth? Betrayal
Before Macbeth makes his first appearance, what do we learn about him? He is brave
What are the elements of a tragedy? features protagonist, arouses pity, fear, and awe, ends with destruction of hero
Where does the play take place? Scotland
Why is King Duncan so grateful to Macbeth? Macbeth saved King Duncan’s kingdom from rebels and the Norwegian king
Define Dramatic Irony. occurs when the words or actions of a character take on a meaning for the audience or readers different from the one the character intends
What is Macbeth’s character flaw? ambition
Why does King Duncan decide to make Macbeth the Thane of Cawdor? Because he did so well in battle
When Macbeth receives his new title of Thane of Cawdor, how does Banquo react? Surprised
What can you infer about King Duncan? He places a high value on bravery and loyalty
What does King Duncan value in his thanes?
Why does Macbeth have doubts about killing Duncan? He is greatly admired by his subjects and it would betray trust in the eyes of God
The numbered side notes in The Tragedy of Macbeth help readers understand which aspect of the play? Unfamiliar language
Why does Lady Macbeth think Macbeth has little chance of becoming king? He does not have enough evil in him to murder someone to fulfill becoming king
What crime did the Thane of Cawdor commit? Treason
Near the end of Act I, why does Macbeth express doubt about murdering the king? He is the king’s subject and host
In Act I, Lady Macbeth’s remark that her husband is “too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness” indicates what? He doesn’t have the guts in him to murder someone
When Macbeth begins to waver in his deadly purpose, what does Lady Macbeth do? She stands firm
What important role do the witches play in Act I? The foreshadow events to come
In Act II, Scene ii, what is Lady Macbeth’s purpose in drugging the servants? So they will sleep through King Duncan’s murder
In Act II, why does Macbeth declare he will “sleep no more”? His conscience will never let him rest
What does Macbeth really mean when he indicates that the blood on his hands will redden all the seas? It is a comment on his profound guilt
What reason does Lady Macbeth give for not killing King Duncan herself? He resembled too much of her Father
What does Macbeth mean when he says he will “sleep no more”? He believes his conscience will never let him rest because of what he’s done
What does Macbeth mean when he says the blood on his hands will redden all the seas? It it just a profound comment about his guilt
What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says to Macbeth, “My hands are of your color, but I shame / To wear a heart so white”? She is just as guilty as Macbeth, but she doesn’t make it as obvious as he does
The porter’s complaining is ironic because he invokes the devil without knowing about the crime
As soon as the murder becomes known, why do Malcolm and Donalbain flee Scotland? They are fearing for their lives
The natural disturbances that continue all night—including the screaming and murderous owl, chimneys being blown down, and Duncan’s horses turning wild— symbolize what? The evil of Macbeth’s deeds and the unrest among the noblemen
Who is afraid of “daggers in men’s smiles” and of being killed? Donaldbain
Why do Ross and Macduff think King Duncan’s sons have killed their father? They have run away which makes them look guilty
At the end of Act II, how does Macduff emphasize his opposition to Macbeth? Not going to Scone
At the beginning of Act III, Macbeth learns that Banquo will not be returning to the castle until after dark. Why is this good news for him? It will be easier to have Banquo murdered in the dark rather than during the day
Why does Macbeth decide to kill Banquo? The witches predicted his son would become king
Why does Macbeth send along a third murderer to join the first two in killing Banquo? To verify the actions of the other two
When Macbeth hears that Fleance has escaped the murderers, how does he react? He gets very anxious
Why does Macbeth begin to act so oddly at the banquet? He sees Banquo’s ghost
During the banquet, how does Lady Macbeth explain away her husband’s behavior? She says it’s just a mental thing and he’s done it for as long as he can remember– it’s no big deal
When Macbeth begins talking to Banquo’s ghost, how does Lady Macbeth react? She tells the others that he has an illness
How does Hecate intend to ensure Macbeth’s downfall? By making him over-confident
At the end of Act III, Macbeth plans to visit the witches once more. What does he want to learn? He wants to learn more of their prophecies
How has Macbeth changed between the beginning of Act I and the end of Act III? He did not want to murder in the beginning but now he is more willing to kill
surmise imaginings; speculation
imperial & soverign of an empire; having supreme authority
valor marked courage or bravery
treason betrayals of one’s country
equivocate to use terms that have two or more meanings to mislead purposely or deceive
augment make greater; enlarge
predominance superiority
palpable capable of being touched or felt
stealthy sly
predominant foremost;powerful
malevolence ill will; spitefulness
indissoluble not able to be dissolved or undone
infirm physical or mental detect; illness