Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking is caused by her guilt conscience | False |
In her sleep, Lady Macbeth imagines that she is speaking to her doctor | False |
Macbeth’s enemies gather near Biram Wood | True |
Macbeth gives up all thoughts of victory | Fslse |
Malcom’s troops use tree boughs for camouflage as they move forward | True |
Macbeth is supported by a large army of faithful followers | False |
Lady Macbeth is killegal by Malcom’s allies | False |
Macbeth sees the prophecy about Biram Wood come true | True |
Macbeth is captured and taken to Malcolm | False |
Macduff fulfills the witches’ final prophecy as he reveals that he was”from his mother’s womb untimely ripp’d | True |
Lady Macbeth’s attendant hesitates to report Lady Macbeth’s words ad she sleep walks because they are | Oncrom8 |
The “damned spot” to which Lady Macbeth refer is | Duncan’s bloodstain |
Lady Macbeth’s behavior reveals that she | Has cracked under emotional pressure |
Angus and the other nobles know that Macbeth is | … |
Macbeth confides to Seyton his regret that he | will never know the joys of old age |
When Macbeth hears Lady Macbeth’s attendants cry out he remembers thay | he once was able to feel fear |
Macbeth’s reaction to his wife’s death is one of | … |
The messenger brings Macbeth news of the approaching troops that fulfills | the witches’ prophecy |
Unless he himself kills Macbeth, Macduff is sure that | his family’s ghost will always haunt him |
Macbeth finally realizes that the witches and apparitions | deceived him with ambiguous messages |
“All the perfume of Arabia will no sweekend this little hand.” | restore my innocence |
“Now does he feel/His secret murders sticking on his hands.” | making him feel soiled |
“I’gin to be aweary of the sun…” | tired of predictable events |
“It is a tale/Told by an idiot, fill of sound and fury, Signifying nothing…” | pointless actions |
“I bear a charmed life…” | Am born lucky |
Macbeth Act V
July 12, 2019