What is the main idea of the sleepwalking scene in Act V? | she feels guity |
What can you infer from the doctor’s treatment of Lady Macbeth about the practice ofmedicine during the time of the play? | they knew very little about it so they sent her to a different doctor |
At the beginning of Act V, the waiting-gentlewoman tells the doctor about Lady Macbeth’sstrange behavior. Why does he tell the gentlewoman to “Remove from her themeans of all annoyance”? | keep her away from things that would kill her |
In the opening scene at Dunsinane Castle, Macbeth has no patience for his servant. Hesays, “Go prick thy face and over-red thy fear. / Thou lily-livered boy.” What does his treatment of the servant tell you about how Macbeth’s character has changed? | Macbeth has grown brutal |
Why does Lady Macbeth kill herself? | she could not deal with the guilt anymore |
Why does Malcolm tell his soldiers to cut down branches of trees to carry as they March? | to confuse them about the number of people they had |
When does Macbeth first realize that he has been tricked by the prophecies of the witches? | when burn-um would started moving towards them |
In the final battle, Macbeth fights bravely, even after he learns he will probably die. How does his courage affect the reader? | he is still noble |
In her mad scene, Lady Macbeth declares, “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!” What spot is she talking about? | the spot from king Duncan’s murder that she feels guilty about |
What is Macbeth’s tragic flaw? | ambition |
As Macbeth awaits the battle at Dunsinane Castle, he demonstrates that he is no longer touched by either fear or horror. Which of the play’s themes does his behavior underscore? | he has a distuctioness of his blind ambition |
Perturbations | disturbance |
clamorous | noisy |
harbingers | forerunners |
Essay14. We often witness the evil acts of villains in movies, stories, and plays. It is satisfying to seethem get what they deserve. In an essay, discuss whether Macbeth has gotten what hedeserved or whether he has gotten off too easily. Is his downfall satisfying to you? Why orwhy not? Give reasons and examples as well as details from the play to support yourAnswer. | … |
Macbeth Act 5 Test Notes
July 19, 2019