For what are the Doctor and Gentlewoman waiting to see? | Lady Macbeth to sleepwalk |
Why is Lady Macbeth running her hands? | to wash the blood off of her hands |
what is she carrying? | a taper |
What is a taper? | a light or a candle |
Who is taking notes? | the doctor |
Who is the “old man” Lady Macbeth refers to in Scene 1? | King Duncan |
To whom does the thane of Fife had a wife refer to? | Lady Macduff being dead |
What does the doctor mean by the line “Remove from her the means of all annoyance”? | take anything away that could injure her |
What three men are leading the English forces? | Siward, Malcolm, Macduff |
Near what forest are they coming? | Birnam woods |
Is Donalbain with them? | no |
What relative of Siward is with them? | Siward’s son |
Where is Macbeth? | he resides in his castle (Dunsinane), some say that he’s crazy |
What is Dunsinane? | castle, fortress |
“Now does he feel his title/Hang loose about him like a giant’s robe/Upon a dwarfish thief” is describing what character? | Macbeth |
Who speaks the lines in #15? | Angus |
In what two prophecies is Macbeth trusting? | no man of woman born can harm you and the Birnam woods must move to Dunsinane |
What does the servant try to report to Macbeth? | 10,000 English soldiers are coming |
Who is Macbeth’s other servant? | Seyton |
Macbeth inquires of Lady Macbeth’s condition. What answer does the doctor give him? | She’s ill but her mental illness is causing her not to be able to sleep |
How is the prophecy of the child crowned with a tree in his hand fulfilled? | Malcolm instructs soldiers to pull down a branch from the tree and march towards the castle |
Why does Macbeth hear a cry of women in Scene 5? | because they found Lady Macbeth dead |
What figure of speech does Macbeth use when he says, ‘Life’s but a walking shadow”? | metaphor |
What does the messenger report to Macbeth in Scene 5? | the forest is moving toward the castle |
What is a harbinger? | forewarning/predictor |
What alarums? | alarm/warning |
To what does Macbeth refer in Scene 7, lines 1-2? | comparing his status to the helpless bear in the bear-baiting arena |
Who is looking for Macbeth but missed him in Scene 7? | Macduff |
Whom does Macbeth kill in Scene 7? | Young Siward |
Why did the bloody baby represent Macduff? | Macduff because his mom died before giving birth to him- he is the child that is not of woman born that is going to hurt him |
When Macbeth says he won’t fight Macduff, what does Macduff say he will do with Macbeth? | He’ll turn him into a sideshow |
Is Macbeth killed on stage? | no |
What does Siward ask of his son when he asks, “Had he his hurts before?” | Did he battle notably? |
What does Macduff come on the stage carrying? | Macbeth’s head |
Who is hailed as King of Scotland, and where will he be crowned? | Malcolm; Scone |
What were the first two proclamations made by this king? | all thanes will get a promotion and come home if you fled |
Macbeth- Act 5
July 19, 2019