1. When the witches are chanting “double double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble” what are they doing? | Creating a spell for Macbeth |
2. What is the “something wicked this way comes”? | Macbeth |
3. What does the first apparition tell Macbeth? | Beware of Macduff |
4. What does the second apparition tell Macbeth? | None born from woman will kill Macbeth |
5. What does the third apparition tell Macbeth? | He (Macbeth) is safe until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill |
6. What is the one more thing Macbeth wants to know? | The meaning of his final vision/ If Banquo’s son’s will be kings |
7. What do the witches show Macbeth in response to his last request? | A line of 8 kings and the ghost of Banquo |
8. What does Macbeth say he will do to MAcduff | Capture Macduff’s castle and oil Macduff’s wife and children |
9. What reason does Lady Macduff give for why Macduff must not love her and their children? | He left them |
10. What does Lady Macduff tell her son about Macduff? | That Macduff is dead and a traitor |
11. What reason does Lady Macduff’s son give for why the liars and swearers are fools? | There are more traitors than honest men, so why don’t they hang honest men |
12. What does the messenger tell Lady Macduff? | She and her son are in danger and need to GTFO |
13. What happens at the end of this scene? | Lady Macduff and her kid die |
14. What does Malcom suspect might be Macduff’s motivation? | He left his family in Scotland and may be working for Macbeth to betray him to Macbeth |
15. What does Malcom ask Macduff about his family? | “Why did you leave them?” |
16. What is the first reason Malcom gives when he argues that he would be a bigger tyrant than Macbeth? | Lust |
17. What does Macduff say he can do for his voluptuousness? | Use willing women |
18. What is the 2nd reason Malcom gives for why he wouldn’t be a good king? | Greed |
19. What is Macduff’s final response to Malcolm’s description of himself? | “You’re unfit to live, much less be king” |
20. What does Malcom tell Macduff about the things he said? | He was making it up to see if Macduff was trustworthy? |
21. What does Malcom say King Edward is able to do? | He has a cure and can heal people with his touch |
22. At first, What does Ross say about Macduff’s family? | that they are well |
23. What has England lent Malcom? | 10k soldiers |
24. What does Ross finally tell Macduff? | his family is dead |
25. What “medicine” does Malcom say they should take to cure the “deadly grief”? | Revenge on Macbeth |
Macbeth Act 4 Study Guide
July 18, 2019