Macbeth ACT 3

ACT 3 Scene 1 BANQUOMACBETHLADY MACBETH(ATTENDANT)FIRST AND SECOND MURDERERS- Macbeth’s new palace- Banquo speech- Banquo suspicious of Macbeth- Macbeth sweet talks Banquo- Banquo refuses Macbeth’s invite to banquet- Macbeth changes subject, talks about Malcom and Donalbain suspiciousness- Macbeth asks if Fleance is coming (Banquo’s son), he is NOT- Macbeth speech about killing Banquo- Worried about Banquo’s noble nature, wisdom, and courage/valor- Murderers come, and are told to kill Banquo and his son while on their ride- Murderers are fine with killing since Macbeth convinces that if they don’t, they aren’t men, and they don’t have anything to do anyways
ACT 3 Scene 2 LADY MACBETHSERVANTMACBETH- Lady asks servant if Banquo gone (he is), then asks to get Macbeth for chat- Macbeth says they’ve only scorched the snake, not killed (only burned surface)- Macbeth tells Lady to act nice to Banquo- Macbeth doesn’t tell Lady what his plan is, and tells her to stay innocent
ACT 3 Scene 3 First, Second, Third MURDERERSBANQUOFLEANCE- At park, dark- Banquo and Fleance on horse, then continue to walk – Banquo is talking that it may rain, then IS STABBED- He shouts TREACHERY (betrayal) and advises Fleance to run- Fleance survived, so murderers go back to tell they’ve only completed half the job
ACT 3 Scene 4 MACBETHLADY MACBETHROSSLENNOXLORDSATTENDANTSFirst MURDERER- Murderer tells Macbeth that Banquo’s throat has been slit, Fleance escaped- Banquo’s ghost shows up- Macbeth makes a toast to Banquo, talking good about him- Banquo’s ghost is sitting on Macbeth’s reserved spot, but not one else sees it- Lady says Macbeth is having fits (from his childhood)- Lady explains that it is just his fear (aside talking to Macbeth)- Macbeth toasts again, then SCREAMS AT GHOST, saying if it changed into any other form, his nerves won’t tremble- Lady tells others to leave as Macbeth is ill- “Blood will have blood”- Macbeth says Macduff never came to party, but he has a spy at Macduff’s house- Says he will go to witches, since he is in a deep river of blood, that he cannot go back, but only cross- Lady says he just needs to sleep
ACT 3 Scene 5 HECATEWITCHES- Witches meet Hecate(goddess of witchcraft)- Hecate scolds them for interfering with Macbeth, since that is her job- She says when Macbeth will come to meet, they will summon visions and spirits that will “draw him to confusion”
ACT 3 Scene 6 LENNOXLORD- Discuss what is happening to kingdom- Banquo’s murder is blamed on Fleance- Both suspect Macbeth- Call Macbeth a “tyrant”- Lord says Macduff is gone to England, joining Malcom to plead for help from King of England- Macbeth wants to prepare for war- Lennox and Lord hope that Macduff and Malcom will be successful to save Scotland from Macbeth
Then comes my fit again. I had else been perfect,Whole as the marble, founded as the rock MACBETHSIMILEMacbeth is scared again, having fits, but otherwise he would’ve been solid as a marble, stable, firm as a rock
But now I am cabined, cribbed, confined, bound inTo saucy doubts and fears. MACBETHALLITERATION and ASSONANCECabinED, CribbED, ConfinED
“There the grown serpent lies. The worm that’s fled Hath nature that in time will venom breed” MACBETHMETAPHORCompare Banquo and Fleance to an adult snake, and young snakeBanquo is a threat, an adult snake with venomFleance is no threat, a young snake yet to growIf Fleance grows, he will become a threat
“Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown” MACBETHMETAPHORMacbeth compares the crown he received (to be king), as fruitless. Crown is uselessIt is eventually going to go to Banquo’s son, but never Macbeth’s as he has no children.
“It will be rain tonight” BANQUOPATHETIC FALLACYRain symbol for Banquo’s deathAlso foreshadowing since Banquo mentions the weather
“The west yet glimmers with some streaks of day” FIRST MURDERERIMAGERYDescribing the evening; which has some streaks of sunlight
“O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!” MACBETHMETAPHORMacbeth’s thoughts compared to a scorpions stingBoth inflict pain, making someone paranoid/restlessMacbeth is aware that Fleance and Banquo are threats
“My genius is rebuked, as it is said Mark antony’s was by Caesar” MACBETHALLUSION/METAPHORMacbeth compares himself to CaesarBanquo to Mark AntonyCaesar was the original heir, but Mark Antony was more preferredMacbeth says he is afraid since Mark Antony (Banquo) is going to be in control, triggering his fear about Banquo
“Let your highness, Command upon me, to the which my duties, Are with a most indissoluble tie, Forever knit.” BANQUOMETAPHORBanquo compares his duties to obey Macbeth to be a bond that cannot be broken (Forever knit)(talking when discussing Macbeth’s royal feast)
“And to that dauntless temper of his mindHe hath a wisdom that doth guide his valourTo act in safety.”(3,1,55-57) MACBETHPERSONIFICATION Giving wisdom human qualitySaying wisdom can GUIDE someone, to valour/courageHe says that Banquo is a wise person, which can lead him to finding out that Macbeth killed Duncan
“Both of you know Banquo was your enemy” MACBETHDRAMATIC IRONYConvinces murderers that Banquo made them suffer, so they should kill him and his sonAudience is aware of Macbeth’s intentions, and that what he told the murderers is only a lie to get them to kill him
“I wish your horses swift and sure of foot,And so I do commend you to their backs.Farewell.” MACBETHVERBAL IRONYAppearing as Macbeth wants to wish well for Banquo, but actually wishes bad for him
“Ere the bat hath flown His cloistered flightEre to black Hecate’s summonsThe shard-bone beetle with his drowsy humsHath rung night’s yawning peal, there shall be doneA deed of dreadful note.” MACBETHALLUSIONReferring to Hecate, goddess of magic and ghostsSaying to Lady Macbeth that a bad deed will be done before Black Hecate summons or does her job
“We have scorched the snake, not killed it” MACBETHMETAPHORSnake represents anyone who may get in Macbeth’s way of remaining kingScorching meaning that the snake has only been burnt, or lightly hurtIt hasn’t died yet, so it can regrow and threaten himThis represents the murder of Duncan, since that was “scorching” the snake, but now that Banquo and Fleance pose as a threat, the snake is yet to be killed
That were the slaves of drink and thralls of sleep?” LENNOXPERSONIFICATION and VERBAL IRONYThe words drink and thrall are personified as they are given human traits which are to be masters of something (slaves of drinks and thrall), since drinks and thralls cannot be masters of something that would be their slave.Verbal irony since Lennox is sarcastically saying that Macbeth did a noble act of killing the guards, even though they were slaves of drink (they were drunk) and thralls of sleep (powerless because they were asleep)
“Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear.” MACBETHSIMILEComparing the ghost to a Russian bear
“For my heart speaks they are welcome.” LADY MACBETHPERSONIFICATIONHeart speaks
“Thou art the best o’ th’ cutthroats” MACBETHPUNPun about Banquo’s beatMurderer says he cut Banquo’s threat, and is called a “cutthroat” by Macbeth
“Ay, my good lord: safe in a ditch he bides, with twenty trenched gashes on his head, the least a death to nature” FIRST MURDERERIMAGERYDescribing what had been done to Banquo by him and other murderers
“With most admired disorder” LADY MACBETHOXYMORONAdmired- appreciation for somethingDisorder- negative, confusion
“Upon the corner of the moon, there hangs a vap’rous drop profund.” HECATEIMAGERYDescribing the moon
“Hark! I am called. My little Spirit, see, sits in a foggy cloud and stays for me.” HECATEPERSONIFICATIONSpirit cannot physically sit in a foggy cloud
Thou hast it now-King, Cawdor, Glamis, all as the Weird Women promised, and I fear thou played’st most foully for ‘t.” BANQUOANECDOTERemembering what witches told Macbeth, saying it actually happenedHe fears that Macbeth has something to do with thisAnecdote since he is recalling something (witches prophecy) and realizing that it was true)
“Distinguishes the swift, the slow, the subtle” MACBETHMETAPHORComparing the murderers to dogs, whether they are swift, slow, or subtle
“Ay, in the catalogue ye go for men; As hounds, mongrels, spaniels, curs, Shoughs, water rugs and demi-wolves.” MACBETHSIMILEComparing murderous men to dogs
Was not that nobly done? Ay, and wisely too; for ‘twould have angered any heart alive to hear the men deny ‘t. LENNOXVERBAL IRONYHe says it was wise to kill the guards so they couldn’t deny killing DuncanBut…He is actually implying that Macbeth took all the measures to prevent the murder being blamed on him
“Stones have been known to move, and trees to speak,” MACBETHPERSONIFICATION
His wisdom can provide. Some holy angel Fly to the court of England and unfold His message ere he come LENNOXMETAPHORComparing a messenger to a holy angel to tell Macduff to come back