What is the atmosphere of the witches in the first scene? | Dark, scary, and omnious. |
What are the witches plans? | To mess with Macbeth. |
What is the nature of the war when Scotland is involved? | Frieghtning to the people lead by the thane of Cawdor. |
What reward is given to Macbeth for his role in the war? | Thane of Quarter. |
What predictions are made for Macbeth? | That he will be Thane of Glam, Thane of Quarter, and King. |
What predictions are made for Banquo? | Less than Macbeth and greater, not so happy yet happier. |
How are Macbeth and Banquo reacting differently to the predictions? | Banquo thinks the witches are crazy. |
What is foil? | An opposite character. |
Who is the foil for Macbeth? | Banquo. |
How does King Duncan feel towards Macbeth and Banquo? | He thinks Macbeth is a brave fighter, he respects them. |
How does Macbeth feel about Duncan? | He likes Duncan. |
When Lady Macbeth hears of the witches predictions in the letter, what are her thoughts? | That they will come true. |
What is ironic about the speeches that Duncan and Banquo make as they approach Macbeth’s castle? | Full gratitude and kindness. (There’s a murder plan) |
In Macbeth’s first major soliloquy what reasons does he give for not wanting to kill Duncan? | Thoughts of murder makes him feel that he does not know who he is anymore. |
How does Lady Macbeth convince him to go on with the murder? | Questioning his man-hood. |
What are the Macbeth’s plans? | Kill him in his sleep. |
What major theme has reappeared in Act 1? | Blind ambition and deception. |
Does Macbeth control his own future or does someone else control his fate? | The witches. |
Who is the more powerful character in this Act? | Lady Macbeth. |
What does the device of the aside used by Macbeth convey to the audience about his character? | At the begining he does not want to kill Duncan, then he’s going to go through with it. |
What is blank verse? | Unrhymed verse (Iambic Pantamiter) |
Macbeth Act 1
July 20, 2019