Macbeth #2

Irony the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. “Banquo is nice to Macbeth but Macbeth sees him as a threat and wants to kill him.
Metaphor A comparison of two unlike things not using like or as. “Life is but a walking shadow”
Metonymy A part of a whole. “Instead of talking about the crown, they mean the king”
Motif Any element, subject, idea or concept that is “the evil nature of Macbeth or the darkness in his heart”
Plot A pattern of events that happen in a story. “When Macbeth and lady Macbeth plan to kill king Doncan”
Simile A comparison of two unlike things using like or as. “As two spent swimmers cling together.” (act 1, scene 2 line 7)
Setting To identify the time place and mood where the story takes place. “The 11th century in Scotland”
Soliloquy The act of talking while or as if alone. “Macbeth soliloquy dagger”
Symbol Something used for or regarded as representing something else. “Blood represents guilt”
Theme The main message or deeper meaning behind the story. “The corruption of unchecked ambition”
Tone The implied attitude toward the subject. “Has a dark tone”
Tragic hero A literary character who makes a judgment error that inevitably lead to his or her own destruction. “Macbeth’s action in killing king Duncan and Banquo”
Act 3 scene 1: How does Macbeth’s use if hired murderers affect the development of his character in the play? He had too much guilt from when he killed the king. From the guilt he had from killing the king, he won’t be able to kill someone else.
Act 3 scene 2: What strong metaphor does Macbeth use to describe his mental state? What is he worried about? Is Lady Macbeth aware of his plans to resolve his worries? “Oh, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!” (3, 2, 37). He is worried about Banquo and Banquo’s son is going to find and kill him. Macbeth does not want her to know what he is going to do until he does it.
Act 3 scene 3: What are Banquo’s dying words? How might they relate back to the prophecies ? He says… “O treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly! Thou may ‘st revenge- O slave!” Since Banquo was killed, he can’t be king. His son will now try to kill Macbeth.
Act 3 scene 4: Why does Banquo’s ghost haunt Macbeth and not Duncan’s (ghost)? He feels guilt. Banquo is there to remind him how bad he is.
Act 3 scene 5: What comments does Hecate make that suggest Macbeth has free will? What does she say to suggest he is controlled by fate? He chases after what he wants and doesn’t care about him.
Act 3 scene 6: Lennox seems to be very careful in his speech. Why is he cautious in what he says? What, if anything, could be interpreted as a criticism of Macbeth? Because if he insults Macbeth he is insulting the king. The whole time he says Macbeth is doing the right thing but he is sarcastic.
Act 4 scene 1:What is Macbeth’s resolve at the end of this scene? How do his plans differ from previous actions? He says he has to kill all of Macduff’s family.
Act 4 scene 2: Why does Ross describe the current times as “cruel”? Because he says people are getting denounced as traitors and they believe frightening rumors but they don’t know what they are afraid of.
Act 4 scene 3: How does Malcolm cleverly test Macduff’s loyalty? What is Macduff’s initial response?What finally indicates to Malcolm that Macduff is truly loyal? He does this by talking bad about himself and seeing what reaction Macduff would have. Macduff at first was looking for the positive in his bad sides. His passionate outburst did. He is willing to sacrifice his friendship to save Scotland.