I am a man More sinned against than sinning. | Justice: King Lear |
Now, gods, stand up for bastards! | Justice: Edmund |
As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods. | Justice: Simile/Hyperbaton: Gloucester |
We have no such daughter. | Appearance vs Reality: Hyperbole: King Lear (about Cordelia) |
Have more than thou showest, Speak less than thou knowest. | Appearance vs Reality: Aphorism: Fool (to Lear) |
Sir, I love you more than words can wield the matter. | Appearance vs Reality: Hyperbole: Goneril |
Nothing can come of nothing: speak again. | Chaos vs Authority: Aphorism: King Lear |
The younger rises when the old doth fall. | Chaos vs Authority: Aphorism: Edmund |
‘Edgar’ I nothing am. | Chaos vs Authority: Hyperbaton: Edgar |
Time’s plague when madmen lead the blind. | Chaos vs Authority: Aphorism: Gloucester |
I am bound Upon a wheel of fire | Compassion & Reconciliation: Simile: King Lear (to Cordelia) |
The wheel is come full circle. I am here. | Compassion & Reconciliation: Aphorism/Metaphor: Edmund(to Edgar) |
Burst Smilingly | Nature: Gloucester |
Thou, Nature, art my goddess. | Nature: Edmund |
[Plucks Gloucester’s beard] | Betrayal/Vengeance: Regan |
A man may see how this world goes with no eyes. | Blindness: Aphorism: King Lear |
I have no way, and there want no eyes. | Blindness: Metaphor: Gloucester |
See better, Lear | Blindness: Metaphor: Kent |
Come not between the dragon and his wrath. | Madness/Deterioration: Metaphor: King Lear (to Kent) |
the basest and most poorest shape. | Madness/Deterioration: Edgar |
More sinned against than sinning | Madness/Deterioration: Lear |
We two alone will sing like birds in the cage. | Parent & Child: Aphorism: King Lear (to Cordelia) |
My old heart is cracked | Parent & Child: Amplification: Gloucester (about Edgar) |
His knights grow riotous | The knights being loud and riotous is grinding on her, in her domain they have become drunk and rowdy – reference to king james creating hundreds of new knights indiscriminately when he became king? |
King Lear: Quotes, Themes and Literary Devices
July 12, 2019