I cannot conceive you | Kent, pun on words |
Sir, I love you more than words can wield the matter | Goneril, proffessing her hypocritical love to Lear |
Time shall unfold what plaited cunning hides: who covers faults, at last shame them derides. Well may you prosper! | Cordelia, foreshadowing. Scolding her sisters and telling them they are worthless. |
I do serve you in this business. A credulous father! and a brother noble, Whose nature is so far from doing harms that he suspects none. | Edmund, never suspect the noble brother, Edgar, being bad (which he is not) |
The hedge sparrow fed the cuckoo so long, That it had its head bit off by its young. | Fool, the cuckoo lays its eggs in a sparrow’s nest and orphans them. The sparrow takes care of the cuckoo until it grows up and kills the host. (Daughters to Lear) |
How sharper than a serpents tooth it is to have a thankless child! Away, away! | King Lear, his daughters are thankless. |
O, sir, you are old. Nature in you stands on the very verge of her confine: you should be ruled and led by some discretion. | Regan, wants her father to leave and is rude |
And dare, upon the warrant of my note, commend a dear thing to you. There is division, although as yet the face of it be covered. | Kent, starts the breaking up of the family’s bonds |
These dreadful summoners grace. I am a man more sinned against than sinning. | King Lear, people do worse to him than he does to others. |
Judicious punishment! ’twas this flesh begot those pelican daughters. | King Lear, the daughters are greedy. |
But lately, very late: I loved him, friend. No father his son dearer: truth to tell thee, the grief hath crazed my wits. | Gloucester, about Edgar |
O dear son Edgar, the food of thy abused father’s wrath! Might I but live to see thee in my touch. I’ld say I had eyes again! | Gloucester, finds out Edgar is the good son. |
O Goneril! You are not worth the dust which rude wind blows in your face. | Albany, tells Goneril off. |
Milk-livered man! That bear’st a cheek for blows, a head for wrongs. | Goneril, emancipating Albany. |
My Lord is dead; Edmund and I have talked; And more convenient is he for my hand than for your lady’s. | Regan, sister vs sister, she is better for Edmund than her sister, Goneril. |
What, art mad? A man may see how this world goes with no eyes. Look with thine ears. | King Lear, paradox. |
If ever thou wilt thrive, bury my body; and give the letters which thou find’st about me to Edmund earl of Gloucester. | Oswald, his dying request. |
You do me wrong to take me out o’ the grave: thou art a soul in bliss; but I am bound upon a wheel of fire, that mine own tears do scald like molten lead. | King Lear, thinks he’s dead and being pulled out of his grave. Adds to his craziness. |
The wheel is come full circle: I am here. | Edgar, blames Edmund for his faults because he is the bastard son. |
I have a journey, sir, shortly to go. My master calls me, I must not say no. | Kent, he denies the throne because he knows he is going to die soon. Cuplet. |
King Lear Quotes Test
July 20, 2019