Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia | King Lear’s daughters from oldest to youngest are…(write in this format: ______, ______, and ______) |
Edgar | Gloucester’s legitimate son is named…. |
Goneril, Regan, Edmund | The “bad children” are….(write in this format: ______, ______, ______) |
Cordelia, Edgar | The “good children” are….(write in this format: ______, ______) |
Albany | Who is the “good” son-in-law of Lear? |
Cornwall | Who is the “bad” son-in-law of Lear who gouges Gloucester’s eyes out? |
Kent, Edgar, Albany | Who are the three characters who live at the end?(write in this format: ______, ______, ______) |
Edmund | Gloucester’s illegitimate son is named…. |
Burgundy | Which character decided not to marry Cordelia because she had no money? |
King of France | Which character married Cordelia even without any money or her father’s approval? |
Kent | Who was King Lear’s extremely loyal-to-the-point-of-stupidity servant? |
Fool | The loyal, comedic, and honest character, who does NOT live up to his name in terms of intelligence. |
Goneril | This character dies by committing suicide. |
Regan | This character dies because they are poisoned. |
Cordelia | This character dies by execution. |
Gloucester | This character dies from shock and joy. |
King Lear | This character dies out of grief. |
Edmund | This character is killed in a duel. |
Cornwall | This character dies when they are mortally wounded by a servant of Gloucester. |
Cornwall | This character is the husband of Regan. |
Albany | This character is the husband of Goneril. |
King Lear Character Questions
July 17, 2019