straight | straightaway, immediately |
pranks | malicious deeds |
round | blunt |
idle | foolish |
rood | cross |
glass | looking glass, mirror |
leave | leave off, cease |
proof | invulnerable (like armor) |
sense | feeling |
blurs | stains, defiles |
contraction | i.e. marriage contract |
rhapsody | jumble |
index | table of contents or preface introducing a book |
Hyperion’s | the name of the sun god |
front | forehead |
combination | group of features |
ear | i.e. of a cereal plant like wheat |
blasting | blighting |
his | its |
batten | glut yourself |
moor | barren land |
heyday | state of excitement |
blood | passion |
sense | perception through the senses |
apoplexed | suffering from apoplexy, paralyzed |
conzened | tricked |
hoodman-blind | the game of blindman’s buff |
mutine | incite rebellion |
grainèd | indelible |
enseamèd | greasy |
cutpurse | thief |
important | importunate, urgent |
conceit | imagination |
incorporal | immaterial |
an end | on end |
capable | responsive |
effects | purposes |
want | lack |
ecstasy | madness |
reword | repeat word for word |
mining | undermining |
ranker | more coarsely luxuriant |
fatness | grossness |
pursy | fat, flabby |
curb | bow |
use | habit |
aptly | easily |
potency | strength |
minister | agent |
reechy | filthy |
paddock | toad |
gib | tomcat |
unpeg | unfasten |
mines | tunnels dug under a fortress wall |
packing | leaving the country, carrying off a burden |
Hamlet Vocab: Act 3, Scene 4
September 11, 2019