shrewd | (adj.) astute or sharp in practical matters; keen; piercing Synonym: clever, keen Antonym: naiïve, foolish |
disdain | (n) – a feeling of contempt for anything regarded as unworthy;a feeling of strong dislike or disapproval of someone or something you think does not deserve respect(v) – to look upon or treat with contemptSynonym:(v.) disrespect (n.) contempt Antonym:(v.) respect (n.) admiration |
perturbation | (n) – mental disquiet or disturbance; the act or state of being annoyedSynonym: agitation Antonym: tranquility, calmness |
mirth | (n) – amusement or laughter Synonym: glee Antonym:gloom, depression |
amorous | (adj.) – showing or expressing love; being in loveSynonym: passionate, romantic Antonym: cold, hateful |
cleave | (v) – to split or divide; to remain faithfulSynonym: unite, attach Antonym:split, separate(v) – to adhere firmly and closely |
victual | (n) – food or provisions for humans; food supplies (v) – to take or obtain foodSynonym: provisions, stash Antonym: |
revel | (n) – an occasion of merrymaking or noisy festivity with dancing, masking, etc.(v) – to make merry; take great pleasure or delight inSynonym: frolic Antonym: mourn |
impediment | (n) – obstruction or hindranceSynonym:obstacle Antonym: assistance, help |
nuptial | (n) – a wedding or marriage(v) – of or pertaining to the marriage ceremonySynonym: marital, bridal Antonym: divorced |
reproach | (n) – blame or censure conveyed in disapproval(v) – to find fault with or blameSynonym: criticize, blame Antonym: honor |
pernicious | (adj.) – causing harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful Synonym: insidious, destructive Antonym: harmless, innocuous |
transgressed | (v) – to violate a law, command, or moral code; to pass over or go beyondSynonym: trespassed, disobeyed Antonym: obeyed |
infernal | (adj.) – hellish; fiendish; diabolicalSynonym: cursed, devilish Antonym: heavenly |
loquacious | (adj.) – talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative;chatteringSynonym: verbose, chatty Antonym: timid, quiet |
vitriolic | (adj) – very caustic, bitter, or scathingSynonym: harsh, antagonistic Antonym: pleasant, mild |
pedantic | (adj) – overly concerned with minute details or formalismsSynonym: meticulous Antonym: careless |
aphoristic | (adj) – given to making or quoting witty sayingsSynonym: concise, pithy Antonym: extended, misunderstood |
flippant | (adj) – frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness;characterized by levitySynonym: sassy, impudent Antonym:respectful, courteous |
predestinate | (v) – destined or determined beforehand; predetermined(adj) – foreordainSynonym: destined, fated Antonym: undetermined, uncertain |
English vocabulary Much Ado about Nothing
July 12, 2019